The state of Louisiana plans to chemically castrate a convicted sex offender before he is released back into society, Breitbart reported. The offender pled guilty to sexual battery, molestation of a juvenile under the age of 13, and second-degree rape earlier this month.
Ryan Clark is the 34-year-old male facing the severe punishment for his role in the heinous deviant act, which was explained by Lousiana’s Tangipahoa Parish District Attorney Scott Perrilloux. In a statement released by Perrilloux, he said:
“On July 16 of 2020, the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office was notified of indecent behavior between Clark and a juvenile by a person the victim had confided in. The person also explained this behavior had taken place for more than a year. The juvenile was then interviewed at the Children’s Advocacy Center in Hammond and was able to detail the incidents. A possible second victim was also discovered.”
Perrillouc continued: “Clark also has a prior conviction of misdemeanor carnal knowledge of a juvenile for receiving oral sex in a public place from a minor,” Perrilloux added. “He was sentenced to 128 days in the parish jail for that charge in 2015.”
With the sentence of chemical castration burying the lede, readers will also be reassured that actual justice is being meted out in the case of Clark. Unlike most Soros-funded DAs who find pleasure in releasing violent and often deranged individuals back into the public under the guise of restorative justice and on account of systemic isms, Clark will first serve decades behind bars before ultimately facing his castration.
Clark was sentenced to 35 years in prison, with the first 25 of those being served without the possibility of parole. Moreover, the judge handed down the amazing sentence of parental rights forfeiture and mandate to never contact his victims again. Only after he serves his prison sentence will Clark have to submit to the chemical castration.
The only thing that would make this story better is if Clark were castrated immediately, but all in all this is a win for society.
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Former Lousiana governor Bobby Jindal, who was once seen as a rising star in the Republican Party, served in the role between 2008 and 2016. He unsuccessfully launched a presidential candidacy in 2015 as well. But it was Jindal who in 2008 allowed the use of chemical castration for sex offenders and whose legacy now means perverted monsters like Ryan Clark will never engage in their evil ways again.
Breitbart described chemical castration’s mechanism as “reducing testosterone levels” in men by injecting them with a form of estrogen, which in effect “suppresses’ their sex drive.
“Chemical castration involves the injection of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), a drug that suppresses a man’s sex drive by reducing testosterone levels,” the media outlet wrote.
The Department of Justice writes that after exposure to the therapy, an offender “is no longer motivated to commit sex offenses and is more amenable to psychotherapy that can enable him to reintegrate into the community.”
“MPA treatment will minimize the offender’s commitment as a sexual psychopath and allow him to continue his rehabilitation. Treatment with MPA could also be considered an acceptable condition for probation,” the Justice Department continues.
Featured image: Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office