A trucker convoy is planning on snaking its way across America and to the border states of Texas, Arizona, and California. Their goal is to conduct a massive demonstration against both the state of things at the border and the recent decision from the Supreme Court that allows Biden’s Border Patrol and federal agents to cut the barbed wire border barriers Texas has constructed to defend its borders. Gov. Abbott vowed defiance of that decision and Biden.
And while some red state governors, such as Gov. Stitt of Oklahoma and Gov. DeSantis of Florida, have vowed to back Gov. Abbott, it’s not just political figures who are resisting Biden’s open borders. Joining them is the trucker convoy, as Rep. Keith Self, a Republican United States congressman from Texas, announced in a post on X.
In that post, Rep. Self noted the dates and route for the multi-day protest. He announced, “BREAKING NEWS
There will be a “Take Our Border Back” multi-day trucker convoy from January 29th through February 3rd. Routes will end at Eagle Pass TX, Yuma AZ, and San Ysidro CA.”
Giving a few more details on the protest’s aims, a press release put out by the organizers of the Take Our Border Back convoy on January 13 announced, “A coalition of concerned Americans from across the nation is proud to announce the formation of the Southern Border Convoy and multi-city rallies scheduled for February 3, 2024. Acknowledging the profound threat to every American and that our national security is at risk!!”
Continuing, the press release described the route the convoy will take, saying, “This convoy will span from Virginia Beach, VA to Eagle Pass, Texas Feb. 3rd. The convoy will branch off feb Ist in Texas and continue to a location (TBD) in Arizona for a rally on Feb. 3rd. Concurrently, a California rally will take place the morning of Feb. 3rd and then convoy same day from San Ysidro to join up with Arizona rally, culminating in rallies across these three states.”
The statement made sure to note that the convoy is meant to be a peaceful protest in compliance with the law, clearly stating, “This is a lawful, peaceful gathering of concerned Americans. Points of convoy & rallies are subject to change to align with all laws governing each state as we work with local law enforcement and residents of each county.”
Reiterating the main goal and other goals, the statement then added, “The goal is simple ~ to shed light on the obvious dangers posed by wide open Southern borders,” “To request all laws of our U.S. Constitution be immediately upheld,” “To slow and ultimately stop drug trafficking & human trafficking associated with open borders,” and “To call for immediate action to secure our borders before irreversible serious consequences befall our nation.”
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Further, the group’s website notes that it is “Calling all active and retired law enforcement and military, Veterans, Mama Bears, elected officials, business owners, ranchers, truckers, bikers, media, and LAW ABIDING, freedom-loving Americans.” Continuing, the website notes, “The time is now for WE THE PEOPLE to peacefully assemble in honor of our Constitutional Rights to call on our government to Take Action and
Watch Texas erect border defenses after the ruling here:
Featured image credit: Take Our Border Back Convoy website