Another piece of evidence tying Hunter Biden to Joe Biden’s alleged mishandling of sensitive document and classified documents scandal has come out.
According to a shocking new report in the Daily Mail, a business partner of Hunter Biden’s at Rosemont Seneca, Eric Schwerin, was involved with moving documents sensitive enough that they required the involvement of White House lawyers, from then Vice President Biden’s White House office to the University of Delaware.
Schwerin, who worked at Rosemont Seneca with Hunter and handled Joe Biden’s taxes and personal affairs while there was, according to the Daily Mail report, “in charge of moving an archive of 1,850 boxes of files from the vice president’s DC office that were being donated to the University of Delaware in 2010.”
Continuing, the Daily Mail adds more context about what the documents were, reporting that “Those documents, mainly from Biden’s time as a Delaware senator, also included Obama-Biden presidential transition team papers and raised the hackles of White House lawyers.”
And what was in the documents that so raised the ire of White House lawyers? Well, some of them were apparently sensitive, but the real issue is that Biden might not have owned the documents he was giving away.
That little detail was found in the emails of Hunter’s laptop by the Daily Mail, which reported that:
In a March 2010 email from Hunter’s laptop, Joe’s deputy counsel Katherine Oyama wrote to Schwerin warning that the ‘Deed of Gift’ document to the university ‘appears to include Obama-Biden transition papers, which the vice president likely does not own.’
She recommended the inclusion of language about ‘the University’s duty to comply with … classified information procedures’.
Schwerin forwarded the correspondence to Hunter, saying: ‘FYI – if you want to be in the loop. I sent to Mel who is going to talk to your Dad about this and decide who should work on it between him and Jamie.’
But it’s not just that ownership of the documents was disputed. Republicans are concerned about the documents and what might be in them. Senator Ted Cruz, for example, called for the FBI to investigate the documents during a recent episode of his podcast, “Verdict,” saying:
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“I am right now calling for the Department of Justice, for the FBI, to examine all 1,850 boxes of those Senate records to see how many additional classified documents are in those records.
“The answer should be none. But given Biden’s pattern, we should have zero reason to have any confidence that there are not multiple classified documents within those 1,850 boxes of Senate records.”
Similarly, Senator Ron Johnson told the Daily Mail:
“Because we now know President Biden has a history of improperly handling classified material, it is incumbent upon him to be transparent about who had access to those documents.
“So far, neither the White House or the National Archives have responded to my requests for this information. The American people deserve to know whether Hunter Biden or his business partners had access to these sensitive records.“
By: Will Tanner. Follow me on Twitter @Will_Tanner_1