Note: This article may contain content that reflects the author’s opinion.
Joe Biden has certainly garnered a reputation for delivering endless gaffes. At times they are hilarious, but at others we are reminded he is the leader of the free world who appears unable to formulate a full sentence. What’s equally as concerning as Brandon’s mental acuity (or lack thereof) is his agenda that is completely out-of-touch with the average American.
The Twitter account RNC Research has been documenting many statements Biden has made, highlighting his failure to understand the plight of the average American family. RNC Research recently posted a video on Twitter titled, “Joe Biden says American families can “make a difference in their lives” with tax credits “to make their homes more energy efficient” and “by putting on new windows, new doors.”
Joe Biden says American families can "make a difference in their lives" with tax credits "to make their homes more energy efficient" and "by putting on new windows, new doors."
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 6, 2023
In the video, Brandon states:
“Families can get up to $3,200 tax credit to make their homes more energy efficient reducing their prices and that’s estimated 500 bucks a year, that’s going to make a difference in their lives. And by putting on new windows, new doors, and lowering energy bills, whole range of things that go to be able to do.”
This is completely out-of-touch with the reality of the average American consumer. Working class and middle class households are having a very difficult time making ends meet currently. Record high inflation we have sustained over the past year has made it difficult for people to fill their cars with gas, buy enough groceries to put food on the table, or make their debt payments amid high interest rates. So what Biden is essentially saying is to forget about all these factors and take a tiny tax credit on an expenditure that would cost you tens of thousands of dollars to outfit your home with “energy efficient” features.
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Hey Joe, maybe if you didn’t make it your goal to destroy our domestic oil and gas industry that would be a better solution to help the average American. Instead, Democrats want you to go into even more debt to put solar panels on your house and buy and electric vehicle that is much more expensive than the average car. If you don’t like it, too bad. The left sees it as necessary they force the economy into a “green transition”, not caring about the financial hardship the average consumer will endure in the process.
However, it’s not surprising the libs are asking you to spend recklessly since it what they are best known for themselves. Fiscal spending during the Biden administration has certainly exacerbated the inflationary environment we have seen throughout 2022. Since Biden took office in 2021, unnecessary government spending has been well into the trillions. Meanwhile, the economy was overheated from pandemic stimulus. A great example of this was Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act” which sought to reduce inflation with ever more fiscal spending.
Anyone who has taken an entry level economics course understands that government spending stimulates the economy, increasing demand thus leading to rising prices. Amid a labor market shortage, slow recovering supply chains, and consumers loaded with stimulus checks, this just added fuel to the fire. Even economists under the Obama administration were criticizing the move, stating it would worsen inflation and hurt American families.
It is clear Joe Biden and frankly the Democratic party are completely out-of-touch with the American people.