Jeremy Renner was crushed by a 7-ton snowplow on New Year’s Day. While that would’ve killed most people, and probably should’ve killed him, somehow he hung on until emergency crews arrived and whisked him off to the trauma unit.
Now, Renner is recovering and he opened up with some of the grim details of that day, and how he thought he was about to die. Thursday, on “Jeremy Renner: The Diane Sawyer Interview – A Story of Terror, Survival and Triumph”, Renner recounted what he was feeling, thinking, and what he thought were his final words to his family. In the interview Renner said: “Don’t let me live in tubes on a machine,” he recalled writing in a note on his phone, “and if my existence is going to be on drugs and painkillers, just let me go now.”
I did one interview about last New Year’s Day incident with @DianeSawyer Tune in this week of you want to know the whole story. Bless you all 🙏🏼
— Jeremy Renner (@JeremyRenner) April 4, 2023
Pay he did. According to the interview this is what happened: He said that what happened next was a blur, but he fell out of the cab completely and then saw that the plow was rolling backwards on the ice towards his nephew, so he tried to climb back in the huge machine to stop it. In doing so, he stood on the tracks, which rolled and pushed him off. He then felt the tracks going over his feet, then his legs and on upwards to crush the rest of his body.
How can anyone survive this sort of trauma? Renner is literally a medical miracle, and clearly God had other plans for him. Renner continued:
“That’s where I screamed, by the way,” he told Sawyer, “when I went under the thing, ‘Not today, motherf—er.’ That’s what I screamed, sorry for the language ….”
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“I was awake through all of it, it’s exactly how you’d imagine it feels like … I was on asphalt and ice … it feels like someone took the wind out of you. Too many things are going on in the body to feel pain, it’s everything. It’s like if your soul could have pain.”
Thanks to the quick thinking of his nephew, he rushed to a neighbors garage after seeing the door cracked open, emergency services came as quickly as they could while Renner’s family implored him to stay conscious and alert. At one point the were sure Renner had passed away: “He just kept closing his eyes and I just did not want him to close his eyes,” Fletcher said. “At one point I looked down because I just wouldn’t take my eyes off of him because I didn’t want him to drift off, and at one point he just got this clammy feel to him and turned this gray/green color, and I feel in my heart that I lost him for a second. He closed his eyes, and I just tried to keep him awake.”
Renner is making a full recovery despite the plates, staples, surgeries and 7-ton snowplow. It was truly a miracle, and an example of why you never give up regardless of what life has handed you.