NOTE: This article was originally written in August of 2023. Though old now, we think it’s still important in the context of Biden’s continued gaffes and questions about his mental health, particularly given the absurdity of his comparison of a small house fire to a massive wildfire across the island.
President Joe Biden recently traveled to Maui, the Hawaiian island stricken by a massive wildfire blaze that demolished large chunks of the island and killed at least dozens of residents. He wasn’t received well by many of the locals when he arrived, with “f*** Joe Biden” chants making a major comeback. And his speech, in which he managed to bring up his infamous sports car, was very poorly received by the conservative media.
Particularly at issue was that he tried to compare a small kitchen fire he once had, one which lasted all of 20 minutes according to a report at the time, with the devastation experienced by many of the stricken island’s residents.
For example, at one point in the speech, he said, “I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, what it’s like to lose a home. Years ago — now 15 years ago — I was in Washington doing ‘Meet the Press.’ It was a sunny Sunday, and lightning struck at home on a little lake that’s outside of our home — not a lake, a big pond — and hit a wire and came up underneath our home into the heating ducts — the air conditioning ducts. To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ‘67 Corvette, and my cat.”
Continuing, he added, “The smoke — and the firefighters here can tell you — sometimes smoke is so thick. From the windows out, it was that thick inside the home. And we were — we were insured. We did not have any problem, but being out of our home for a better part of a year was difficult.”
Though he makes it sound like his house burned down, that was a small kitchen fire that lasted about twenty minutes. So it was a pain and frightening event, to be sure, but hardly the same thing as a wildfire killing your family and destroying your house.
So, Biden was savaged on Fox News Channel’s “Outnumbered,” with one of the hosts, Faulkner, saying “We are looking at a pathological narcissist at this point.” Continuing, Faulkner added, “He’s not at his best because he can’t do that, so one story out of an entire five hour visit is an embarrassment. These people are really suffering.”
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Faulkner wasn’t the only one on Fox News to shred Biden for the trip. Jesse Watters hammered President Biden’s ridiculous speech as well, saying, “Biden went to Hawaii with almost 1,000 people missing, 100 dead, and no one has a home anymore and said, ‘I lost my home too,’ when it was a small kitchen fire? Disgraceful.”
Watch Watters sound off on Biden here:
Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video of Biden speaking in Maui