Recently, former Department of Homeland Security agent Tim Ballard slammed Joe Biden’s border policies, calling out the consequences of the crisis at America’s southern border. The inspiration behind the powerful movie “Sound of Freedom” warned that the current administration’s handling of the border could be promoting human trafficking.
Ballard appeared on Fox News’s “The Story,” where he accused the federal government of assisting child-trafficking cartels through its disastrous border policies. The former DHS agent called upon his years of experience in rescuing children, claiming what he is seeing is a “crisis.”
“It is shameful that I have to say this, but I spent 12 years working for the U.S. government to rescue children. Now, thanks to these policies, I have to rescue children from the U.S. Government,” Ballard said. “This is dangerous. This is a crisis.”
Ballard claimed America’s border patrol agents take his side in the crisis at hand. However, he claimed the Biden administration’s policies have demanded the agents “to do things that are absolutely insanity.” Ballard also explained the lack of vetting to ensure migrant children do not fall into the wrong hands.
“These children who show up are released to whoever picks them up. Almost zero vetting is done,” he said. “A U.S. child would receive much more than that, a U.S. child would be protected if they showed up in New York City or any city. How come we’re not affording the same protections to children, who to no fault of their own are brought to the border, and we just release them into a country mind you, that is the number 1 consumer of child sex material in the world?”
“I spent 10 years on this border,” the ex-DHS agent said. “These children have to be released to Health and Human Services. Health and Human Services has to release them to whoever shows up as the sponsor. Sometimes they come because the traffickers put a name, a piece of paper in their pocket, safety pinned to their shirt.”
Ballard further illustrated the problematic nature of HHS policies, alleging the aforementioned lack of vetting can lead to traffickers taking advantage of the system. The inspiration behind “Sound of Freedom” pointed out that U.S. tax dollars could contribute to this evil industry.
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“HHS by mandate, because of the Biden administration, has to call that number and they used to come pick the kids up. Not anymore. Now your taxpayer dollars are paying for what might be the last leg of a child trafficking experience. They call the number. They send the kid and then, the number just disappears. You can’t follow up. The kid is gone,” Ballard continued.
Recently, Ballard has been making headlines for his political stance on the U.S. border. The American Tribune reported that he is “seriously considering” a run for U.S. Senate in his home state of Utah, where incumbent Mitt Romney is set to retire.
Ballard noted that “influential” people had approached him with the proposition of running for office. “I was very seriously considering it then. And now, I’ll be honest, even more very, very seriously considering,” he said.
Featured Image credit: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons