The border has been a source of misery for many Americans and a sore spot for the White House. The southern border was in relatively good shape under former President Trump, and while it may never have been truly secure, at least illegal crossings were at a years-long low. Enter Joe Biden, who effectively ended all of the excellent work Trump did to secure the border, many on the right allege.
On Monday, a former senior Biden official made some scurrilous comments about the alleged border chief Kamala Harris. He called her work on immigration “at best ineffective” and went as far as to suggest the Vice President didn’t see the border as her job. Infighting in the Biden Administration has long been rumored, and the latest report suggests it isn’t just rumored.
The outlet Axios revealed on Monday that the Vice president and her team only considered immigration from “Northern Triangle” countries as her business. The so-called Northern Triangle consists of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. Harris claims Biden tasked her with finding the root cause of the border crisis, an apparent case of splitting hairs and ignoring the actual Southern Border.
The former Biden official said: “She’s been at best ineffective, and at worst sporadically engaged and not seeing it was her responsibility. It’s an opportunity for her, and she didn’t fill the breach.” Meanwhile, in typical fashion, Harris blamed Republicans during a recent interview with Katie Couric.
Couric, in an effort to absolve Harris, said: “Early on, I know you were tasked with understanding the root causes of the immigration crisis, but you’re not in charge of the border, which I think is important to point out.” It has also been reported that Harris has clashed with former Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice.
Though both denied the report, Axios said: “Rice appeared to others to take pride in being more informed on the border than Harris. Some Harris aides found Rice to be disrespectful toward the vice president and dismissively referred to the former UN ambassador as just a ‘staffer.’” Rice wasn’t finished, allegedly calling Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra a “bi— a–” over “what was seen as his reluctance to find more space in child migrant shelters.”
Biden allegedly was upset with his aides during a border visit in 2023, where he “lit into his team.” His aides reportedly expressed frustration over the president’s irritability, making it harder for them to make decisions confidently. The divide is apparent, and the failures are well documented.
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Joe Biden has ruined the Southern border. Now that liberal sanctuary cities are feeling the pinch and it is an election year, Biden suddenly wants to address the issue. It may be too late, and Kamala Harris certainly isn’t the answer. In fact, Joe Biden doesn’t have an answer unless blaming former President Trump is an answer. In the meantime, our system will continue to get stretched to the breaking point as more illegal migrants enter the country and are released with a promise to come back for court.
Watch Texas Governor Greg Abbott speak about challenging the federal government’s border policies here: