Tim Tebow might be the most famous Christian athlete of all time, with his famous “Tebowing,” taking a quick knee in prayer on the field, helping remind football fans of all ages, but particularly the younger people who looked up to him, of the importance of faith. Recently, he appeared on Fox & Friends to talk about why his non-profit is partnering with Price.com and the importance of Thanksgiving.
As background, Tebow first rose to fame when playing for the University of Florida. He then went to play for the Denver Broncos after graduating, but was soon traded around for a few seasons and ended up playing minor league baseball for a bit before becoming a sports broadcaster and running the Tim Tebow Foundation, a Christian non-profit.
In any case, appearing on Fox & Friends, Tebow spoke about Thanksgiving and why it is important to take time and reflect on what he have been given and how bountiful our lives are, saying, “I just think it’s so important to truly be thankful for everything that we have been given, for the grace that has been bestowed on all of us, and to treat people that way.”
Continuing, he added that we have God to thanks for that bountiful harvest, saying, “In this day and age, we have to show what we’re thankful for, and that is people, it’s God’s grace, it’s humanity, and we have to be able to show that. That’s what Thanksgiving’s all about.”
Tebow also spoke to Fox & Friends about the Tim Tebow’s Foundation new partnership with Price.com and what that partnership is happening. First, he explained what the company does, saying, “Price.com is an all-in-one saving platform that helps you save money, make money, and make your money matter.” He added, “It helps you save money with coupons, with advance comparison shopping.”
But it’s not just about saving money; it’s also about giving money. Tebow, explaining the charitable component of the site and how the Tim Tebow Foundation comes into play, said, “There’s over 200,000 nonprofits that are on there . . . with the money you save, you have the choice if you want to give back.”
He then added that giving charitably is important because so many people are deeply in need right now, even in America, generally a land of plenty, saying, “Which we believe that we should all do because there’s so many people that desperately need it.”
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Demi-Leigh Tebow, his wife, gave a few more details on how that charity component works, added, “You can get cash back, right, and at the end of the year, when you’ve accumulated all of your cash back, all of your coupon codes, all of the things you’ve saved on — it all accumulates. At the end of the year, you get to choose: Do you want to give it to charity or do you want to buy that extra pair of shoes that we don’t really need?”
Tim Tebow then added that the process is a win-win for all parties, including “those who get blessed,” saying, “The way that we look at it is that it’s a win-win-win. It’s a win for the retailers, it’s a win for the price, it’s a win for the consumers, the users, and it’s a win for all those who get blessed in the process.”
Featured image credit: By Ed Clemente Photography – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18158956