Joe Biden’s recent speaking engagements during his trip to Pennsylvania featured several gaffes that have raised questions and concerns about the President. Particularly, Biden began a speech in Scranton in a rather odd fashion, leaving the audience in a silent, awkward state.
X account RNC Research, which consistently documents Biden’s gaffes, uploaded footage of Biden concluding the speech, where he said, “I think I should go home now.” He followed up as the crowd died down, “Except I’m already home.”
The odd introduction to his speech occurred during Biden’s remarks at a campaign event hosted at the Scranton Cultural Center. As the president was met with a “Four more years!” chant, he made the comment about going home, which presumably had something to do with the fact that Scranton is his hometown.
Early in the speech, when Biden talked about his humble roots in the blue-collar town of Scranton, he took the opportunity to jab at former President Donald Trump. “My dad had a saying. He’d say, “Joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It’s about your dignity. It’s about respect. It’s about being able to look your kid in the eye and say, ‘Honey, it’s going to be okay,’ and mean it.” Biden said. “You know, people like Donald Trump learned very different lessons. He learned the best way to get rich is inherit it. (Laughter.) Not a bad way. I’m not…” he added.
Throughout the speech, the president attempted to paint Trump in a manner that would suggest that he doesn’t care about the middle class in the way that Biden looks at the economy “through the eyes of Scranton.” Biden claimed that Trump’s tax cuts “overwhelmingly” benefited the wealthy.
“His failure starts with his $2 trillion tax cut that overwhelmingly benefitted the wealthiest and biggest corporations and exploded the federal debt when he was president. Donald Trump added more to the national debt than any President of the United States in a term in all of American history — more to the national debt,” he said.
While Biden was careful about his verbiage in this speech, he has been fact-checked in the past for claiming that the tax cuts entirely benefited the wealthy and corporations. According to an analysis from the Joint Tax Committee and the Tax Policy Center in 2018, most taxpayers would see a tax benefit from Trump’s cuts.
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During this speech, Biden also touted accusations that Trump made disparaging comments toward fallen service members in France. However, these claims lack substantial evidence to prove their validity. “I have to say, there are a lot of things that Donald Trump has said and done that I find extremely offensive. But one that offends me the most is when he refused, as president, to visit an American cemetery outside of Paris when he was president. Why? He said that those soldiers who gave their lives were, quote — it was his quote — “suckers” and “losers.” “Suckers” and “losers,” he said it,” Biden said.
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.