As the Target boycott, sparked by its “tuck-friendly” women’s swimsuit and Satanist-designed apparel, finally gets off the take-off ramp and starts building in intensity, US Senator JD Vance has joined the anti-Target fight.
Announcing his decision to do so on Twitter, Vance said, “Target could have decided to stay out of the culture wars, instead it decided to wage war on a large share of its customer base. I no longer shop at Target, and it seems many families are doing the same.”
That was in response to a series of posts about the Target situation from Turning Point’s Benny Johnson, who said:
“🚨BREAKING 🚨 Target stock has just COLLAPSED to its lowest trading value in a YEAR with no end in sight. For the first time in my life, common sense Americans are standing up for themselves and committing to ACTION. We are the majority. We are winning. We’re just getting started.
“An important reminder that Target is lying to you. Weird that Satanic child sex cult grooming is the line but I’m glad we’re finally activated. @Target is lying.”
Target could have decided to stay out of the culture wars, instead it decided to wage war on a large share of its customer base. I no longer shop at Target, and it seems many families are doing the same.
— J.D. Vance (@JDVance1) May 26, 2023
Benny also posted a video about Target “lying” in which he walked into a Target store and said: “Okay, so I am here at Target in Tampa, Florida just walked in the door, you heard that there’s a backlash and the targets major memorials changes to the very aggressive pride display this year, and you have been lied to, actually, right here at the very front of the building. There you go, there’s your little toddler mannequin, and it gets better set us out.”
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Continuing, Benny said, “And then they have this designer say that this is designed by the now infamous satanic company, the guy that says ‘we’re hanging with Satan, because Satan respects pronouns.’ This is his brand. Look it up.”
He then added, “Right here at the front store, along with the child mannequin. Now I’ve been asking, how close is this giant display, which is at the front of the store? How close is this to the Joanna Gaines section, which I find particularly interesting because Joanna Gaines has a very lucrative presumably multibillion-dollar deal with Target and she’s a Christian who has Christian moral values that she wishes to uphold and fam built her entire brand on family values.”
He then added that they put the Christian section right next to the Satanist clothing, saying, “You see, I’ve just taken like, probably 10 steps from the display. And here we are. This is the Joanna Gaines fiefdom inside Target. So here you go. There they are. They’re the Paragons, the paragons of Christian entrepreneurs and family values, right next to the satanic designs inside of the pride display in Target that they’ve been lying to you about. So there you go, Joanna, she’s literally she’s looking. She’s looking across, literally looking across from it. So again, Target is lying to you. What does Joanna Gaines think about this? Do they support this? Do they support Satanic grooming of children? Sure, it’ll be nice to know. But that’s confirmed now.”
Continuing, he said, “Don’t believe the lies Target has gotten rid of nothing. And if anything, it’s worse than I could have possibly imagined. I mean, listen, guys, you have a right to run a business. You have a right to make your own choices as a store. And we the consumers also have our own rights. And so if you support this the literally using of child mannequins in your displays that’s on you. This brand, this target brand that needs to be toxic, needs to be toxic among people that believe in common sense, and that people that are just basic anti grooming anti-sex, coltan, anti-Satanism and those are the facts from billboard Danny here in Tampa, Florida.”