Many parents are upset with the school their children are going to and the decisions the school boards ostensibly overseeing those school boards are making. Why? Because schools overtaken by wokeness are pushing all manner of nasty things on children.
From trying to trans the kids in their tutelage to pushing the divisive rhetoric of BLM on them, many teachers are, in the view of parents around the nation, abusing their positions of authority to push leftism on kids rather than instructing them in math, history, English, or whatever other subjects they are supposed to be teaching.
And so those furious parents are showing up at school board meetings to sound off on the sort of leftist garbage schools are pushing on their kids, as this brave man did.
Here’s what he said when he gave the school board members and excellent lesson to free speech and how government officials in America should behave:
“I’m a Pennsbury school district resident, Pennsbury School District taxpayer. I’m also a former member of the governing board of directors 2009 to 2013. It’s nice to see the old faces. I’m here to speak today. I believe Gary, you said it was item, k k k in the agenda book? Well, isn’t that just a perfect, perfect summation of what it is I’m here to talk about K. K. K, your proposed new school board policy seeking once again, to limit the constitutionally protected speech of American citizens.
“Now, when I sat on this school board, I believe some of you old timers might remember this, a union guy spoke at public comment for five minutes and ripped me a new one. He called me the bastard child of Margaret Thatcher. And I sat there and I said to myself, Okay, fair enough. Welcome to America. He considers me a bastard because I’m in the government. His logic is sound.
“Now, what happened was the superintendent and the school solicitor at the time, freaked out and they didn’t put the tape online the next day, and I called them up, and I said, ‘Get the tape online. Now, before we get sued for censorship.’ I yelled at the solicitor, I asked him what law school he went to, because it was clearly constitutionally protected, rhetorical hyperbole, I can cite the case if you’d like. And I said to Paul, ‘I’m the superintendent at the time. Don’t ever cut the tape again, Paul.’ And by the way, ‘bastard child of Margaret Thatcher,’ I took it as a compliment.
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“Now, you snowflakes apparently have a bigger problem with public comment. It seems to me that you think you can supersede the United States Constitution? Well I’ve got news for you, school board, President Benito Mussolini, your power does not supersede that of the US Constitution and the First Amendment rights of the citizens of this great nation. Let’s be very, very clear. Who has the power?”
One of the members of the board then tried to silence him, saying, “This time that if you like that, you personally direct your comments, you will be cleared up away from posting your comments.”
But he wasn’t having it. So he continued with his lesson in free speech, saying:
“This is my comment, not your comment. I’m quoting to you now from the United States Supreme Court 1964 Case “New York Times versus Sullivan.” This is constitutional case law in this country. And I’m quoting you from the US Supreme Court. The just the judges wrote that this nation is founded on the quote, ‘profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues shall be uninhibited, robust and wide open, and that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials.’
“That’s constitutional case law in this nation. I don’t have to be nice to you. Nobody behind me has to be nice to you. If you don’t like living in the United States of America, then you go move to Russia, Cuba or China. This is the First amendment.
“And I will I will caution you, I will caution you solicitor, there is a video camera to my left. If you edit this tape, then you’re going to have a big legal problem on your hands. Because my right to critique your fascism, which is what this is, is constitutionally protected. There are emails, public record emails in which the director of equity is lobbying and advocating for public comment to be censored in this school district. And you know what? You know what? Lobbying for it, advocating for it, we’ve got the scope or president saying she’ll do better at hitting the mute button in blatant violation of the constitution for her lobbying and her advocacy of unconstitutional censorship.
“I want you the school board to terminate the employment of Dr. Teresa Gibson with immediate effect after you’ve terminated her employment, I want all of you to tender your resignations for hating on this country we have a God given constitutional right to critique you. And we can speak in any lawful tone that we see fit and don’t go looking around Benito, because this is the United States of America. You have a good uh, one more thing. I want to make a verbal request right now for an unedited copy of the tape. If any of you delete it, we do have a big legal problem. Good night.”
Watch him here:
"This is the First Amendment. … My right to critique your fascism, which is what this is, is constitutionally protected."
— Louder with Crowder Dot Com (@LWCnewswire) March 21, 2023
Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded Twitter video