Beauty standards have changed through the years. While everyone has their own personal preferences, what is consider ‘classic beauty” has changed almost as much as women’s hair styles.
It hasn’t been that long ago that flat butts and shockingly thin women were all the rage. Once upon a time bigger women were considered the standard, most likely because women with bigger frames were assumed to be more capable of bearing numerous children. The point is, standards, tastes, and fashion changes, and society changes with it.
Unfortunately pop diva Lizzo has decided to define beauty for us this time. Recently in an Instagram video, Lizzo declared herself the “beauty standard”. I’m not sure who commissioned the bulbous songstress as the expert, but if that is the standard you can stop the planet and let me off right now.
The Daily Caller described the hilarity thusly:
The singer treated her 13.4 million followers to a recording that took place in what appears to be her bathroom. Lizzo was wearing a grey bathrobe and boasted a natural hair and make-up look.
Most of us can certainly respect a sort of quiet confidence. The quiet confidence that comes with being self assured enough to throw on a pair of sweats and pull the hair into a ponytail, sans makeup. What most of us can’t respect however is that sense of confidence being misplaced, rather than quiet.
In other words, trying to convince the world, and yourself on social media that you are in fact the ‘beauty standard’ actually smacks of desperation and a total lack of self confidence. Just because Lizzo tries to speak it into existence doesn’t mean it is true. This is what the rubenesque song bird had to say about herself: “I just finished showering and doing my little routine, and you know what I realized? I am fu***ng gorgeous,” she said. “I am the beauty standard.”
If you mad
Stay mad
— FOLLOW @YITTY (@lizzo) April 19, 2023
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Does Lizzo kiss her mother with that mouth? That aside, who looks themselves in the mirror after a shower and declares to the world that they are the beauty standard? People totally lacking in real self esteem, that’s who.
What most people that look like Lizzo would realize is that perhaps they should call Jenny Craig and take a nice, long walk. Lizzo, however, decided that she is the hottest thing this side of the sun, which I assume she doesn’t expose herself to very often. All of the sweat, you know?
The sad truth is Lizzo and people like her that try to normalize and glamorize obesity are actually hurting, not helping. Lizzo will be lucky to live into her 40’s in the shape she is in now. That isn’t mean, or hyperbole; that is fact. Candace Owens put it best in her Tweet.
If you peep comments on any of Lizzo’s “fat acceptance” photos, you will undoubtedly find a score of batshit insane women telling her that she looks beautiful.
Men do not lie to other men in this way. They do not pretend that clinical obesity is beauty.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) April 12, 2023
Look around, how many obese 70-year-old people do you see? That would be almost none. Considering she is black and the particular obstacles people of color have, she may not make it to her 40’s. This isn’t to say Lizzo shouldn’t live her best life, but her best life sooner rather than later will exclude stairs, performing, and perhaps even walking .
Lizzo, for better or worse is an example many young women look up too. Having a positive body image is all well and good, but lying to yourself and a generation of young girls is helping no one, and will only end up badly.