According to a stomach-churning report in WHIO-TV, police have been called to investigate a horrifying incident at a Springfield Elementary School, Kenwood Elementary School.
There, according to an incident report obtained by a public records request, the principal told police that during recess “a group of Black students had gathered several white students on a specific spot of the playground and forced them to state ‘Black Lives Matter’ against their will.”
The WHIO-TV report goes on to claim that those white students who tried to avoid pledging allegiance to BLM or avoid the situation generally were “chased down and escorted, dragged, or carried to the playground” by the black students. The black students conducting the violent, coerced speech incident also allegedly filmed those white students who they forced to make the statement. no copy of the video was provided to WHIO-TV by the school district. The incident report obtained by WhIO-TV also states that one student who refused was punched in the head.
Parent Ryan Springer, whose young son was one of those assaulted on the playground by the black students, told WHIO-TV that no one’s heart should be full of hate but that he’s obviously angry about the incident. In his words: “I mean I’m angry as a parent but I understand they are children. It’s not okay to hate anybody because of their skin color, or their gender or sexual orientation, or anything like that. Nobody should be hating anybody.”
“Just because it’s reversed, it’s still not alright,” said Daniel Harr. He has a son enrolled at the school and was “on the receiving end” of the incident.
The police incident report said a group of black students forced a number of white students to say “‘Black Lives Matter’ against their will. Those who refused, or attempted to avoid the situation, were chased down. The report said one student was punched in the head.
“He was thrown to the ground,” stated concerned mother, Krystal Harr.
“He was actually one of the one’s thrown to the ground,” exclaimed Daniel.
The Harr’s have an 11-year-old son in sixth grade at Kenwood. They said their son did not tell them about the event initially, however, the school contacted them three days later.
“I don’t understand how it got as far as it did because the teachers should’ve been paying closer attention,” said Krystal.
Springfield Police are currently investigating the incident, but Krystal warned that their son is scared to go to school.
“He’s not excited to go to school at all,” she said. “He’s terrified.”