If you needed yet another excuse to stay far, far away from government schools to whatever extent possible, another one came out this week. At a school in Florida, a female teacher took a student’s video game device (a Nintendo Switch) from him during class. Instead of shaping up and paying attention, the massive hulk of a black youth attacked and viciously beat the white, female teacher.
If you have the stomach for it, you can watch that horrific attack here:
High School Student eliminates his female teacher and Ground and Pounds her unconscious body after she took away his Nintendo Switch… pic.twitter.com/QbjpxZS3xP
— Fight Haven (@FightHaven) February 24, 2023
That shocking assault took place at Matanzas High School in Florida. The thuggish black male that committed the assault was a 17-year-old student from Palm Coast, Florida. The Flagler County Sheriff’s Deparment posted about the incident and its response to it on its Facebook page, saying:
“On February 21, 2023, the FCSO School Resource Deputies assigned to Matanzas High School were alerted to a paraprofessional employee being physically attacked on campus. Upon arrival, deputies located the female paraprofessional on the ground with severe injuries after an unprovoked attack by a male student.
“The student was escorted from the area and later placed in custody. The 17-year-old student was transported to the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility and later turned over to the Department of Juvenile Justice. The student has been charged with Felony Aggravated Battery with Bodily Harm.
“The student stated that he was upset because the victim took his Nintendo Switch away from him during class. On surveillance footage from within the school, the student who is approximately 6’6” and 270 pounds, is shown walking fast toward the victim and pushing the victim several feet, knocking her to the school floor, which knocked her unconscious. The student is then shown kicking and punching the unconscious victim several times in the back and head. Others rushed in to help the victim who was unconscious during the entire assault and unable to protect herself. The victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment of her injuries.
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‘“The actions of this student are absolutely horrendous and completely uncalled for,” said Sheriff Rick Staly. “We hope the victim will be able to recover, both mentally and physically, from this incident. Thankfully, students and staff members came to the victim’s aid before the SRDs could arrive. Our schools should be a safe place – for both employees and students.’
‘“Creating a safe learning and working environment on our campuses is critical. Violence is never an appropriate reaction,’ said Flagler Schools Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt.”
A parent of a student at Matanzas High School, Ann Marie, commented on the incident according to a report in River City Post. According to that report, she said “I feel very sorry for the teacher, the paraprofessional who was attacked. It’s just something we see all too often, these days.”
That same report added that there was some warning the student would act how he did, as he said he “will beat her up every time she takes away his game,” and that “when he comes back he is going to kill her.” But nothing was done to deal with him. So, despite the threats, he was given the opportunity to come back in and do exactly what he said he would do. What a preventable, horrific tragedy.