Former President Donald Trump pulled no punches in a hilarious and lengthy post on the Fourth of July that celebrated Independence Day and obliterated his still-likely 2024 Presidential Election opponent, current President Joe Biden. The post came shortly after Trump blew Biden out of the water during the disastrous (for Biden) Thursday, June 27 debate between Trump and Biden.
Particularly, Trump was able to remain in control and let President Biden self-demolish during the debate. Biden, in turn, did exactly that and self-demolished, doing so through his usual sort of gaffes, speaking in an unintelligible manner at some points, and generally being unable to put on an impressive display or rebut Trump’s points.
In any case, Trump seemed like he was having a great time when he savaged Biden in a funny Truth Social post. Beginning, he mocked Biden’s excuse that he did poorly during the debate because he had traveled some before it, a reference to his trips to Normandy and the G7 meeting in Italy, an excuse that even CNN mocked.
Trump, commenting on that, said, “Happy Fourth of July to all, including to our highly incapable “President,” who uses Prosecutors to go after his Political Opponent, who choked like a dog during the Debate but tried to pretend it was “International Travel” (only 12 days rest!) and, when that gig was up, he blamed it on a ‘cold.'”
Continuing, he joked about people calling Biden “cognitively challenged,” saying, “Therefore, why would anyone say he’s cognitively challenged? Also, respects to our potentially new Democrat Challenger, Laffin’ Kamala Harris. She did poorly in the Democrat Nominating process, starting out at Number Two, and ending up defeated and dropping out, even before getting to lowa, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a “highly talented” politician!”
Trump then referenced Vice President Kamala Harris’s affair with Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco as she rose through the prosecutorial ranks in that city, a joke that many with disdain of her make about her early career and one which she has so far failed to address in any real way. Trump wrote, “Just ask her Mentor the Great Willie Brown of San Francisco.”
Then, concluding the post, Trump sounded off on Jack Smith, saying, “Someone else that I have to compliment is a Deranged Biden Prosecutor named Jack Smith who has become a Legend in his own mind for all of those cases he has lost. The Corrupt Prosecutors are working hard for Crooked Joe, but it will never be enough – MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
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This wasn’t the first time Trump spoke about Biden’s cognitive health after the debate. In another post on Truth Social recently, he wrote, “Only three things could have been the reason that Crooked Joe Biden, the President in the history of the United States, failed so badly at the debate Thursday night. THEY WERE: 1) “TRUMP WAS REALLY GREAT!” In all fairnes and I say in complete and total modesty, many, on both sides of the politici spectrum, have said it was the greatest single debate performance in the l and storied history of Presidential Debates. Thank you! 2) CROOKED JOE “CHOKED” LIKE A DOG. 3) JOE IS A COGNITIVE MESS!”
Watch Biden’s “lowlights” from the debate here: