Appearing on HBO host Bill Maher’s “Club Random” podcast, Greenbay Packer’s superstar quarterback and California native Aaron Rodgers absolutely shredded California’s terrible governor, “Greasy Gavin” Newsom, with Rodgers saying that under Newsom’s disastrous watch the “State’s going to s*** but I’m hanging on.”
One part of Newsom’s anti-freedom policy platform that drew particular scorn from Rodgers in the September interview was the attack on businesses during Covid, when many of them were forced to close for “public health” reasons. Rodgers blasted that policy and called out its consequences in the interview, saying “I grew up in a small town, very little cases up in Chico, California, but all the small businesses? F***ing gone.”
Adding some color and context to Rodgers’ comments, The Daily Mail reported that:
Business capacity limits and other restrictions were in place from March 2020 until June 2021.
The decisions crippled businesses across California with 40,000 estimated to have collapsed – the highest figure in any state across the nation.
That wasn’t all that Rodgers blew up about. He also sounded off on how freedom of choice is under attack in the United States, particularly in places with vaccine mandates, telling Maher:
“I think there’s a lot of people that believe that you should have your own decision-making on your own medical decisions.
“My thing is I have an issue with the hypocrisy in society in general and I know you do as well, but abortion has been a hot topic, right? And especially after Roe v. Wade got overturned and sent back to the states, or whatever. I don’t believe the government should have any control over what we do with our bodies.
“As much as I might lean more pro-life, I don’t want the government to tell me I can’t smoke a cigar, I can’t have a drink of alcohol, I can’t choose my own medical decisions. And if I’m a woman, don’t f***ing tell me what to do. Like whether or not I agree with what you decide to do, who cares? And the government should not have a decision that infringes upon my own personal freedoms.”
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Rodgers did, however, refuse to take a partisan side during the interview. Speaking on that, he said “I’m a rational thinker. I’m not on one side or the other.”
Maher, however, did not show such restraint. Instead, he turned the interview into an opportunity to attack Trump for not keeping quiet and going away after the contentious 2020 election, saying:
“You take it like a man,’ Maher said. ‘You don’t go we won that game. That’s what Donald Trump does. We won that game. You didn’t. You lost it. It happens. You lose sometimes. Be a f***ing man and just own up like every other president has ever done. Everybody else who ever lost an election was just man enough to say I f***ing lost, I’ll try next time.“