In just the sort of “every day is Christmas with Trump as president” to create a chuckle, a beauty salon owner in Idaho has said that she has seen her customers “dropping like flies,” meaning no longer coming to her establishment, after she went on the attack against President-elect Donald Trump and said he is “racist, homophobic, and misogynistic.”
That business owner is Tiffney Prickett. She owns and runs Voiage Salon, a beauty parlor, in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and has released a gut-buster of a TikTok video in which she admitted that she is “suffering the consequences of my own action” because of her anti-Trump tirade and the resulting reaction from her now-former customers.
In the video, Prickett commented on what happened and how former clients were furious and stopped patronizing her business to the point of even demanding gift card refunds. She said, “So this is me suffering the consequences of my own action. I just had a client send her husband into my salon and demand a refund for gift cards — pre-purchased.”
What caused the gift card refund demand? Her own rhetoric. Prickett said, “Why was the angry client because of my stance that if you support a racist, homophobic, misogynist rapist, and you’re okay with those things because you supported them that you are in fact those things. And she was so offended by that, he said she did not feel comfortable coming to my salon anymore.”
Continuing, the stylist said that the client had been very good to her, even to the point of inviting her to family functions, but that she not longer wanted to deal with her because of their support for President-elect Trump. Beginning that part of the rant, she said, “I didn’t want to deal with them anyway because I knew that that whole family were Trump supporters because I’ve been doing her for 15 years.”
Building on that, and seemingly showing no reflection on or sadness about destroying a relationship over political leanings, she commented on getting gifts from and going to family functions for the client, saying, “I’ve been to her family functions and family events. She’s given me gifts over the years. She was a very good client.”
Then, bizarrely equating supporting President-elect Trump with wanting to “strip human rights away from people,” though without specifying what rights Trump wants to strip from whom, or even what indication he has given that such a policy is remotely in the realm of possibility. She said, “I knew she was a Republican, which I don’t have a problem with you being a Republican. I have a problem with you wanting to strip human rights away from people.”
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Adding to that, Prickett said, “I will stand up for human rights and suffer those consequences.” Funnily enough, the problem seems to have become a general one. In a follow-up video, Prickett admitted that a great number of her now-former clients had left her over her hatred of Trump supporters, saying, “They’re dropping like flies. I lost another one of my clients today who clearly was a Trump supporter.”
Wildly, Prickett then claimed that she would “rather go work at Chipotle” than have those who support Trump “feel comfortable” at her salon. Standing by her hateful actions after admitting that, she said, “So, again I’m reaping what I sow. I’m suffering the consequences of my own actions. But I stand by what I said.”
Watch her here:
Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video