Sick and tired of dealing with protesters blocking traffic, typically to protest the Israel-Hamas conflict or climate change, Republican and Democrat lawmakers in the Golden State teamed up to take on such demonstrations. Their push to tackle the issue following a particularly egregious protest on the Golden Gate Bridge that snarled traffic for hours, even impeding emergency responders as they attempted to cross the bridge.
The recent Golden Gate Bridge protest was so egregious that it drew the scorn of both Republican members of the state assembly and Governor Gavin Newsom, known for being one of the farthest-left governors in America.
For example, Mercury News reported that Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez, a Republican from Rancho Santa Margarita, said, “People are sick and tired of these protesters blocking highways.” Sanchez continued, “When they hold up traffic, they prevent first responders from responding to emergencies and jeopardize the safety of innocent people. Sacramento needs to get tougher on these adult temper tantrums. Enough is enough.”
Joining her, Governor Gavin Newsom sounded off on the protests as well, saying that those who block traffic need to be held accountable for doing so. The governor said, Mercury News reported, “I hope we don’t see it again.” Continuing, Gov. Newsom went on to add, “I do think people need to be held to account for their actions.”
Now, Politico reports the bill that Assemblywoman Sanchez introduced, one that doubles the fine for those who block a highway and prevent emergency vehicles from passing, has advanced out of committee with support from Republicans and Democrats. The four Democrats who backed the bill, Juan Carrillo, Diane Papan, Chris Ward and Gregg Hart, did so without permission from the far-left committee chair.
In any case, the bill will still have to progress through both houses of the California legislature, the Assembly and Senate. It will then have to be signed by Gov. Newsom. So, obstacles remain and there’s a significant chance it will not become law. But, with a few Democrats ditching their party to push it through the committee vote, it has a chance, and that signals that the bridge-blocking protesters could have gone too far.
Assemblywoman Sanchez, commenting on the bill’s importance given the protests, said, “These highway blockings are becoming more frequent, more reckless and more dangerous. We have already seen negative public health and safety outcomes because of this.” She also explained its importance by noting that another bridge-blocking protest, one on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, delayed numerous organ transplants.
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Describing the bill to Fox News Digital, she said, “If it’s $100, double it to $200, up to $1,000. Nothing egregious. It would just give people more tools in the toolbox to hold protesters accountable. And I think that’s a very reasonable ask.”
On the other side of things, Assemblymember Lori Wilson, a Democrat from the Bay Area and chair of the Transportation Committee, said that existing penalties for blocking emergency responders are sufficient She said, Politico reports, “I still believe that the bill is unnecessary and ultimately will not solve the problem.”
Watch the bridge-blocking protest here:
Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video