Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett recently appeared on MSNBC for an interview and had to quickly correct herself after she said that Trump “needs to be shot.” She quickly added “stopped,” correcting herself after she accidentally called for the assassination of the former president on live TV.
That came when she was discussing Trump having access to the nuclear codes and nuclear weapons information. She claimed that he shared those nuclear codes with “anyone and everyone” at the Mar-a-Lago resort and so needs to be shot, which she then immediately corrected to “stopped.”
She said, “Having Trump not only have had the codes, but now having the classified information for Americans and being able to put that out and share it in his resort with anyone and everyone who comes through should be terrifying to all Americans. And he needs to be shot–stopped.”
Rep. Plaskett went on to note that Trump would have his day in court, but that a jury in deep red Florida had indicted him. “Of course, he’s going to have his day in court,” she continued. “Let’s remember that he was indicted by his peers — individual Americans who live in South Florida, a red state — they saw enough that there was probable cause for him to bring this indictment for him to stand trial,” she said.
Rep. Plaskett also said, during the MSNBC appearance, that Americans are skeptical of the Biden DOJ and FBI not because of the actions of their agents, but because of GOP “propaganda” about the current situation. Watch her here:
As you can hear in the video, Rep. Plaskett argued that there is not a two-tiered justice system and instead that Republicans only claim that because they want the justice system to treat them more softly than it treats other people. In her words: “And that’s the thing that I am concerned about with many of my colleagues in the GOP, that they believe that there is a two-tiered system. But the two-tiered system is not to punish them more. It’s to they want it to allow them to get away with more than everyday Americans.”
Continuing, she added that the GOP’s protestations about what the FBI and DOJ are up to is behind the decrease in trust of the FBI, which is probably true. However, she then went on to assert that those protestations are groundless and part of a “propaganda” effort rather than good-faith criticism of the federal law enforcement agency. In her words: “Whether it’s rolling down our belief and causing Americans to distrust the FBI, the Department of Justice, it’s all a mechanism and all you know, part of their propaganda to make Americans believe that they in fact, are above the law.”
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Watch her here:
One hell of a Freudian Slip…
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) June 18, 2023
Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video