A heroic Great Pyrenees has finally found his forever, as his story took over the internet and found him a loving family to spend the rest of his life with. Moose, a Great Pyrenees, saved his foster family from a boat fire in one of the most recent epic examples of a dog proving that they are man’s best friend.
According to KCCI, a family of five was asleep on their houseboat when a fire broke out, a potentially deadly situation for the unaware family. Christopher Cushna, Moose’s foster dad, explained precisely what took place and why Moose was a hero, saying, “What I like to think about is that we saved Moose from the situation that Moose was in and Moose definitely saved us on the boat.”
“We had to actually go past the boat that was burning and it was a really big inferno, it was amazing. It was hot. It was very hot,” Cushna continued. “If Moose was not there, at the very least, it would have been an emergency evacuation. I could have seen us having to dive into the waters. It would have surprised us. What Moose was able to do was eliminate the surprise.”
Moose’s new owner, Ciara Hill, spoke to a local Fox affiliate about finally finding Moose after a long search for the perfect pooch. “It’s hard not to fall in love with a sweet fellow like that,” she explained. “We saw that he had been returned, and I was talking to my husband. He was like, ‘Well, go get him,’”
According to Hill, Moose is loving his new home. The family has other pets, and Moose is fitting right in. She said, “My other animals are welcoming him in, and he seems to be pretty comfortable.” She added that Moose “has just made himself at home.”
Hill found Moose through the Portsmouth Humane Society, a “non-profit corporation that supports the people and pets of Portsmouth, Virginia through intake, adoption, lost/found, and resource programs.”
The American Kennel Club has a brief summary of the Great Pyrenees breed of dog, describing them as large and protective animals that are loving to those who take care of them. The breed was made to be a “large, thickly coated, and immensely powerful working dog bred to deter sheep-stealing wolves and other predators on snowy mountaintops.”
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Everyone loves a good, happy ending, especially when the story involves a heroic dog like Moose. Moose put in heard work to ensure that his foster family was safe and protected, and in return, he has found a place that he can call home forever. Here’s to Moose and the Hill family. May they have an amazing life together.
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