Arian Foster was one of the biggest stars and most outspoken ones as well during his playing days. Foster was never afraid to give his opinion on politics religion, art, or anything else that was on his mind.
Not much has changed since his retirement, and on a recent episode of the Barstool Sports’ “Macrodosing” podcast, Foster revealed some interesting history about his house, and why Google Maps allegedly blurs out his house. Foster said: “So, I guess dude caught his lady cheating. I think, I don’t know. I guess the dude caught his lady cheating, and she came home. He offed her and then he offed himself,”
It is not uncommon for the service to blur out images or completely remove references to places that have dark histories. Ariel Castro was convicted of holding women against their will in a “House of Horrors” in Cleveland, Ohio. The site isn’t visible on Google Maps, and if you do find it, it’s blurred out.
Military and other sensitive facilities get the same treatment. Foster went on to talk about how he discovered his new houses dark secret: “We were in the middle of the process of buying the house, and then at the very end before we signed, they sat us down and was like, ‘Hey, we have to let you know, we have to be honest and forthright about this. There was a murder-suicide and you have to be made aware. A lot of people walk away from this situation and we understand if you want to walk away.’ And I was like, ‘Why would I? It has nothing to do with anything.’ I don’t believe in ghosts and spirits and sh*t,” the former Texans RB elaborated.
That would have been the end of the meeting for many people. Ghost or no ghost, that is just too much to absorb, and too late in the buying process. Foster does claim it led to a price reduction, but at what cost?
The former star is a very smart guy. Perhaps too smart to believe in the supernatural. It apparently doesn’t faze him that the couple died in the room right next to his bedroom.
.@ArianFoster is living in a CRIME SCENE
— Macrodosing (@MacrodosingPod) April 5, 2023
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So, what will it take to rattle the unflappable Foster? Bleeding walls? Rattling chains? A ghostly visage and screams from another room? That would certainly work for most folks. likened it to a popular television show. They aren’t far off: For fans of “American Horror Story,” this sounds right out of one of many seasons. The entire first season of the show was about a murder house.
It was honestly probably the most terrifying season of the show. This story from the former Tennessee Volunteers running back could have been ripped right from the script.
I remember that season. Coincidentally or not the only season I watched. It was a little intense for me. As a believer in the supernatural, and having experienced “ghosts” myself, all it will take for Foster is a hand on him in the dead of night, or that ice cold chill in the air from nowhere to send him running Scooby Doo style from the house. Wonder what the price reduction will be then?