Professional athletes often get undeserved reputations for not being very bright. That’s unfortunate because there are many, many super intelligent, good dudes across all sports. Unfortunately, former NBA star Amar’e Stoudemire isn’t one of them. Despite the fact that Stoudemire recently finished the master’s program at the University of Miami, his actions Saturday night prove that he isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. Stoudamire may be facing some jail time for an altercation with his daughter at his ex-wife’s home that resulted in his arrest. Check this out.
Former New York Knick Amar’e Stoudemire was arrested at his home in Miami on Saturday night after allegedly punching his daughter in the jaw and causing her to bleed, according to the Miami Herald.
According to the Miami Herald, the police report says the arresting officers “…observed blood stains on the victim’s sweater and sweatpants. The mother of the victim showed me the photo she received from her daughter, which shows the victim crying and blood running down her face.”
Stoudemire was charged with misdemeanor battery.
Congrats Stat!
@univmiami grad
— NEW YORK KNICKS (@nyknicks) December 17, 2022
Despite only being charged with misdemeanor battery, the optics surrounding the assault are shameful. Who punches their own child in the face, no less a female child? This is different from situations like Adrian Peterson allegedly abusing his son by spanking him with a switch, or Tyreek Hill breaking his son’s arm by being too rough. Yes, those were despicable acts by two NFL stars, but it can be argued that spanking a child is a parent’s right. In Hill’s case, while there is no defense for his actions, accidents happen, especially if you handle a small child too rough. In Stoudamire’s case he (allegedly) straight punched his child in the face.
It is unknown which of the four daughters Stoudemire shares with his ex-wife was hit. What is known is that the incident occurred shortly after Stoudemire graduated from the University of Miami with a master’s degree. An event that was celebrated by his former team in a Twitter post.
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According to the Miami Herald, Stoudemire’s ex-wife, Alexis, came to his home in response to a “plea for help” from one of their daughters. Upon arrival, Stoudemire informed his ex-wife that their daughter had been “disrespectful” and “giving attitude” to her grandmother. In addition, the report claims Stoudemire continued slapping his daughter after punching her.
Former NBA Player Amar‘e Stoudemire Arrested for Allegedly Punching His Daughter via @BreitbartNews
— Rob Mattox (@RobMattox2) December 19, 2022
Stoudemire told officers that he gave his daughter had received “a whooping from him for being disrespectful and a liar,” the Herald reports.
Someone is lying here, and since a “whooping” doesn’t usually entail being punched in the face, my guess is it is Stoudamire. Either way, a savage beating isn’t warranted from being disrespectful and lying. If that were the case Amar’e would be spending all of his time running around tuning people up. It is often used as an excuse that black people discipline their children differently, and that is fine is a spanking is involved, but a right cross in the chops doesn’t fall under “discipline”. That falls under assault. I guess he didn’t learn the difference at the University of Miamai.
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