HBO comedian and show host Bill Maher and Fox News Channel host and comedian Greg Gutfeld tore into the woke, online “mob” during the latest “Club Random” podcast. Particularly, the two comedians and show hosts slammed the online mob for its incessant “bitching” on social media about offensive things.
That came when the duo discussed the deleterious effects of political correctness, particularly how it has ruined both society and comedy.
Giving an example of what the politically correct outline mob has ruined, Maher noted that the movie “Rain Man” likely couldn’t be remade in today’s climate. Gutfeld joined in and noted that the fantastic film “Animal House” almost certainly wouldn’t make it past the political correctness police either.
Maher then noted that you only have to go back a few years to find movies with content that everyone saw as funny then but the outrage mob freaks out about now, saying “When you hear it now, in 2023, you hunch up, not because of it in itself, but because you know the reaction it will cause. You know you’re going to have to listen to people bitching about this, and posturing and pretending they’re so offended and it’s so terrible and that’s what’s going to be so gross.”
Agreeing, Gutfeld explained how the outrage mob uses social media to escape boredom by tearing down everything that exists, saying “They get on Twitter and then they kind of create this kind of like mob reaction, and then it’s people are so bored, and they’re so distracted, and also it’s a personal power thing. It’s like if I don’t have any power in my world, at least on here I can exert some kind of power, get somebody to apologize, and it feels good.”
Maher agreed with Gutfeld and noted that the online nature of the mob means that it can be cowardly, saying “The phone made people assholes, full stop. It allows you to just be so fucking cowardly, anonymous, shady, fake, all these shitty qualities it brought out in people.”
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The two also discussed other things during the interview. Gutfed, for example, took the opportunity to share how meeting his wife changed his life, as we recently reported on The American Tribune saying:
“When I met her I was the editor, it was my first day on the job at Maxim UK, but we had a meeting in Portugal with all the Maxim mags, and she was the photo editor of Russian Maxim. So, she’s Russian, she was 21, and I was 39, and her hotel room was next to mine, which shows you how lazy I am, but I met her, and I go, ‘Oh, that’s my wife.’”
“I just knew it, I just knew it, and then I spent three days in Portugal trying to talk to her, and then the last night that I was there, the guys from Czechoslovakia, or whatever you call it, the Czech Republic, they were going to go into town and get really fucking high, buy coke and do all that shit, and I’m going to do that, because this is not happening, I’ve been working on this girl and it’s not happening.”
He decided to give it “one more shot” and told Elena Moussa that she was “the most beautiful woman” that he had ever seen. Her response was nothing short of hilarious:
“And she just said, I’ll never forget it, she goes ‘I’d expect something better from Greg Gutfeld,’ and that’s the first real sentence.”
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