Dr. Anthony Fauci was recently called out on social media after a clip went viral of him discussing his faith during an interview. Fauci drew intense backlash from users who denounced his stance on Catholicism, where he prioritized his “personal ethics” over the Christian faith, maintaining it is a “pro forma thing” that he doesn’t feel compelled to practice.
While shooting an interview with the BBC’s “Influential” with host Katty Kay, Fauci pointed out the chapel where he and his wife were married. Kay questioned Fauci if he still practiced Catholicism in an official, organized manner, which he denied for “a number of complicated reasons.”
“It’s really nice. Do you still go there? Do you, so you don’t practice anymore, do you?” Kay asked the doctor, to which he repeatedly responded, “No.” The host further inquired as to why Fauci decided against practicing the religion. “Do you know why?” she pressed him.
Expounding on his personal aversion to the Church, he pridefully draws upon his own set of “personal ethics” that apparently nullify the need for any other guidance. Fauci then vaguely noted multiple supposed “negative aspects” surrounding the church. While maintaining that he doesn’t necessarily oppose the institution, the controversial doctor views it as something he does not “really need to do.”
“A number of complicated reasons,” Fauci responded. “Go on, we have a whole corridor.” Kay probed. “First of all, I think my own personal ethics of life, or I think enough to keep me going on the right path. And I think that there are enough negative aspects about the organizational church that you are very well aware of. I’m not against it. I identify myself as a Catholic, I was raised, I was baptized, I was confirmed I was married in the church. My children were baptized in the church. But as far as practicing it, it seems almost like a pro forma. thing that I don’t really need to do.”
As footage of the interview has gone viral on social media, critics have slammed Fauci for his lack of involvement in the Church while claiming to identify as a Catholic. Conservative lawyer Laura Powell shared the video clip, stating, “Anthony Fauci explains that although he identifies as Catholic, his ‘personal ethics on life’ are so strong that he has no need to practice the religion. ‘It seems like a pro forma thing that I don’t really need to do.'”
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“This is confirmation of all the demonic language I’ve used discussing this fiend the last few years,” Blaze TV host Steve Deace posted on x. “This is straight up satanic levels of ‘ye be like God’ and ‘I will be like the Most High’ stuff. Fauci is openly and literally proclaiming he is his own god here.”
Dr. Jospeh Marine commented beneath Powell’s post, adding, “Revealing comment. Helps explain why he had no problem seeing houses of worship closed for months. Just non-essential “pro forma” nonsense…”. Dr. Jay Battacharya commented, “Hard to say which is worse — his theology or his science.”
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.