Far-left lunatic Keith Olbermann, who might have been funny decades ago while hosting ESPN’s once-great SportsCenter, has been reduced to a pile of pathetic, desperate rubble as the secular progressive religion consumes his soul.
Olbermann, now known only to those who get a daily laugh out of his inane takes on social media, was recently part of the purge on the privately-owned Twitter platform after violating one of several rules instituted by new owner and CEO Elon Musk.
Musk has recently taken swift and severe action against “journalists” and other accounts deemed to be doxxing him and his family.
As Musk asserted, anyone is able to criticize him, but after the recent episode of him young son being targeted by some dangerous goonish loser, he drew the line and suspended several notable accounts.
Any account doxxing real-time location info of anyone will be suspended, as it is a physical safety violation. This includes posting links to sites with real-time location info.
Posting locations someone traveled to on a slightly delayed basis isn’t a safety problem, so is ok.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 15, 2022
Any account doxxing real-time location info of anyone will be suspended, as it is a physical safety violation. This includes posting links to sites with real-time location info.
Posting locations someone traveled to on a slightly delayed basis isn’t a safety problem, so is ok.
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After breaking the rules – and acting like a petulant child that leftism makes of adults – Olbermann pretended he had done nothing wrong and tried to circumvent his ban by accessing a second account used for the purpose of promoting his dog rescue and adoption operation.
How lame do you have to be to hack into a second account just to cry to the world about losing access to Twitter?
As a result of sneaking back on, he got a further ban and a tongue-lashing from Musk himself. Musk mockingly wrote that “Olbermann tweeting from his dog’s account still makes” him laugh.
Here was Olbermann abusing the platform once again in a whiny video about his circumstances:
"Doubt you've heard but Musk banned me permanently from Twitter for NOT doing something he said WASN'T against the rules!"
"It was the baptism scene from The Godfather and Elon Muskleone"
— Keith Olbermann's Dogs (@TomJumboGrumbo) December 16, 2022
Doubt you’ve heard but Musk banned me permanently from Twitter for NOT doing something he said WASN’T against the rules!”
“It was the baptism scene from The Godfather and Elon Muskleone.
How cringe and pathetic. A grown man lying is one thing; a grown man complaining that the rules he knowingly broke were unfair is quite another.
The entire episode of leftist journos being whacked by Elon, as Olbermann suggests with his misplaced Godfather reference, produces a beautiful and dulcet music to many ears. Whereas they both encouraged and celebrated the one-sided banning and deplatforming of conservatives for years without nary a complaint, suddenly they find themselves on the other side. And it’s glorious.
Of course, it’s also worth noting that in the former case bans were arbitrarily imposed and politically motivated. In the latter case, these accounts are actually violating terms of service.
Several Twitter users laughed in Olbermann’s face at the news he was still being dragged along by the better-than-ever social media platform.
“After 2 days of crying on his dog Keith Olbermann got his main account back. Musk reinstated his account last but poor Keith is still locked out of it,” one user wrote. “I love new this comedy, thanks Elon!”