Secret Service agents might have signed up to protect the president from bombs and bullets, but now they’re dodging not the tactics of terrorists but the fangs of German Shepherds. One German Shepherd in particular is to blame for the numerous bites, one of which sent an agent to the hospital: Commander, Biden’s German Shepherd.
The Western Journal revealed that troubling detail in a recent report, claiming, “Secret Service emails show that President Joe Biden’s German shepherd Commander bit seven people over four months last year, sending one Secret Service officer to the hospital.”
The spate of bites, in which 2-year-old Commander bit seven people in four months, came right on the heels of Biden’s first dog, Major, being ousted from the Executive Mansion over his aggressive behavior toward the agents.
The New York Post, connecting the incidents involving Commander to those involving the older Major, reported, “The shocking spate of incidents involving Commander — none of them previously reported — mirrors attacks involving Major, who the White House says was given to family friends after biting many Secret Service members in 2021.”
Continuing, the New York Post adds that Commander’s extremely aggressive behavior led to him biting both a security technician at the president’s home in Wilmington, Del., and chomped down on the hand and arm of a Secret Service agent, breaking the agent’s skin.
The most serious incident, the New York Post reports, was in November of 2022. On the third of that month, a Secret Service officer had to go the hospital for treatment when Commander bit into his arm and his thigh, causing serious and painful injuries.
The attacks on Secret Service personnel were discovered thanks to Judicial Watch, which used the Freedom of Information Act to request and obtain records pertaining to Commander inflicting injuries upon the agents.
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One of the emails obtained by the request says, “Recently, Commander has been exhibiting extremely aggressive behavior. Today; while posted, he came charging at me. The First Lady couldn’t regain control of commander and he continued to circle me. I believe it’s only a matter of time before an agent/officer is attacked or bit. He would have bit me today ifl didn’t step towards him a couple different times. It was bad
enough that the agent on the detail asked ifl got bit- just so you’re aware.”
Another email, this one referrring to the incident where Commander sent an agent to the hospital, says, “Update regarding the dog bite to UD Officer: Commander bite UD Officer [redacted] at post [redacted] two times, one time in the upper right arm and a second bite on the officers thigh. WH medical treated the officer and made the decision to have [redacted] transported to Hospital. FLD shift advises that [redacted] (FLD staffer) went up to 2nd floor residence to brief [redacted]. More to follow as updates come in.”
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, commenting on what the obtained records show, said, “These shocking records raise fundamental questions about President Biden and the Secret Service.”