The crisis at the southern border continues to look worse and worse to many Americans, particularly those on the right, as thousands upon thousands of migrants flow across the border by the day and the Biden Administration seems unable or unwilling to deal with the situation.
Yet worse, Sen. Shelley Capito of West Virginia (R) claims, the situation is so overwhelming for the Border Patrol that hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants have escaped border enforcement officials without being caught, meaning they are now in the United States and the government has no idea who they are or what connections to groups like cartels, gangs, or even terrorist organizations that they might have.
Such is what Sen. Capito told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo during an appearance on Bartiromo’s “Mornings with Maria,” explaining the massive number of “gotaways” and how problematic that is for America from a national and personal security perspective, effectively making every state a border state.
Speaking on the topic, Sen. Capito began by introducing the huge number of people who have gotten away without ever being caught by CBP, saying, “The Secretary testified last week that there he believes the 600,000 gotaways, which means we have no idea who these people are.”
Continuing, she then added that there is a significantly non-zero chance that some of those “gotaways” are connected to terror groups, cartels, and terrorist organizations. As she put it, “And if you look at the trends of who’s coming in from countries that have either on the terrorist watch list or are known to Hamas terrorists, over 4000, from China, we see countries in South America that are harboring terrorists, we see, you know, Iranians. So we don’t really know who’s here.”
She turned from the number and potential connections of the “gotaways” to what could happen now that they are here, noting that America could soon be facing attacks like those in Israel from terrorists it has let cross its borders.
“And that to me is, is I think, when we see what happened in Israel, I think we need we need to turn inward here and look to tighten the border up and make sure that these folks that are coming in from these terrorist countries, terrorist harboring countries should be turned right back around and not put into this. How is it possible that your colleagues on the left do not see that you’re an elected official? What can you do about it?” Sen. Capito said.
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Next, she tore into the Democrats for not seeming to worry about the border invasion situation, saying, “I cannot believe my colleagues on the other side cannot, cannot see this. And I think that the numbers alone with me see last month 260,000 were apprehended at the border. And so you know, over millions over the years,“
Finally, she explained how the massive scope of the issue now means that pretty much every state is a border state in terms of the problems it must face, saying, “I mean, in my view, if we’re going to talk about what’s good for the country, yes to the deterrence, remain in Mexico, asylum, parole, all those things, but also as a political issue, my state is overrun with people who are pushing drugs and killing our young people right through that border. And so I think that every state is a border state. In this instance, you see these mayors and large cities right where you are in New York City just crying for help, and yet their party just turns a deaf ear.”
Watch her here:
.@SenCapito sounds the alarm on the growing terror and cartel threat from the border crisis as the number of “gotaways” surges.
“600,000 ‘gotaways’ [this fiscal year] – which means we have no idea who these people are…every state is a border state in this instance.”
— GOP (@GOP) November 8, 2023