The 2024 presidential election is now roughly nine months away, and while it appears that despite the left’s best efforts, former President Donald Trump has all but locked up the GOP nomination, Democrats are still scrambling and infighting over who will run in November. The incumbent, current President Joe Biden, is planning a run, but his mental state is such that many in America fear he is no longer capable of handling the immense responsibility.
Biden has always been prone to gaffes and occasional senior moments, but those moments have become more frequent, and it appears that the 81-year-old president is declining in real-time. It is very late in the game to be preparing a new candidate, and among possible replacements, the most obvious, Kamala Harris, is actually less popular than Biden.
Recently, one major Democrat donor spoke out and voiced his concerns about the geriatric sitting president. Hedge fund billionaire and Dem supporter Bill Ackman appeared on the Lex Friedman Podcast and had some harsh words for Joe, Jill, and the Democrat establishment.
Ackman stated that he talks to people all over the world who are embarrassed by Biden and doubt his ability to be president. Ackman said to Friedman: “I think he’s done. I mean, it’s embarrassing. It’s embarrassing for the country having him … as a presidential candidate, let alone the president of the country. It’s crazy. And it’s just gonna get worse and worse. And he should, you know, the worst of his legacy is his ego that prevents him from stepping aside. And that’s it. It’s his ego, and it is so wrong and so bad and so embarrassing.”
Biden won over many voters in 2020 by portraying himself as the kindly old grandfather who was going to unite the nation and restore normalcy. His presidency has been anything but, and more folks have seen behind the curtain and have realized what an egomaniac and generally unpleasant person Biden is. Beyond that, Ackman is specifically concerned with Biden’s declining mental state.
Ackman continued: “Being president of the United States is like some combination of wrestling, marathon running, being a triathlete. I mean, you gotta be in serious physical shape and at the top of your game to represent this country, and he is a far cry from that, and it’s just getting worse, and it’s embarrassing.” Many Biden apologists counter with President Trump’s age, ignoring the fact that Trump often holds hours-long speaking engagements with no prepared notes or teleprompter, and the former president is still in relatively good physical shape with seemingly boundless energy.
Ackman is an ardent Democrat, but his allegiance has been wavering of late, mainly because of the Democrats ‘ response to the war in Gaza. He continued, laying the blame at Jill Biden’s feet: “I’m upset with him and upset with his family. I’m upset with his wife. This is the time where the people closest to you have to put their arms around you and say, ‘You know, Dad, you know, honey, you’ve done your thing. This is going to be your legacy, and it’s not going to be a good one.'”
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Watch Ackman here:
It is probably too late in the game to warm up the bullpen, and the available arms aren’t ready to take on President Trump. Ackman believes Biden is “handing the election to Trump” and let’s hope for the sake of our country he is correct.