Following the conviction of Hunter Biden on all three federal gun charges brought against him over his filling out a gun purchase form saying he was not using drugs at a time when he was addicted to crack, key Trump ally Vivek Ramaswamy argued that the case was really a distraction meant to distract people from the other alleged crimes of the Biden family, namely its alleged influence-peddling schemes.
Vivek’s claim was similar to the claim made by the Trump Administration in a press statement. In that statement, the Trump Campaign said, “This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine. Crooked Joe Biden’s reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit.”
In any case, tweeting about the matter of Hunter’s trial and the other alleged Biden crimes, Vivek said, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the Hunter Biden trial was a sham. It’s a smoke screen to legitimize the Trump conviction & to deflect attention from the Biden family’s actual likely crimes: selling off our foreign policy to make their family rich. Don’t fall for it.”
In the video released with the tweet, Vivek said, alleging that the Biden family committed other crimes for which it much be held accountable, “So Hunter Biden was convicted. Big freaking deal. This trial was a sham, just like the Trump trial. It was a sham, but a sham for a different reason. It’s a sham designed to legitimize the Trump conviction. That’s why it came right after, even for charges that date way far back. But it also avoids accountability for the Biden crime family on the actual things that Hunter Biden should have been charged for like, for example, peddling foreign influence while his actual father, Joe Biden, was the Vice President of the United States.”
Continuing, bringing up Hunter’s work for Burisma, Vivek said, “Hunter had no business serving on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, a state affiliated energy company that’s affiliated with the same country, Ukraine, that his father now is the US president is sending hundreds of billions of dollars of your taxpayer money to that’s where the real crimes lie.”
Then, explaining what this trial did that really helps the Bidens, Vivek said, “So this deflects accountability for the actual investigations that are more close to implicating Joe Biden walk coming in convenient timing, right after the sham Trump conviction in the veil of bipartisanship. Don’t buy it. I said this before. I’ll say it again. This is a smoke screen, and the reality is you got to cut through it to get to the essence of what’s happening in this country.”
Watch him here:
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Making a similar claim in September of 2023, Vivek said, “Today’s indictment of Hunter Biden is a smokescreen. Don’t fall for it. This is a fig leaf designed to deflect attention away from the real problem: the Biden family is selling out U.S. foreign policy for their own family’s private financial gain. That’s really what’s wrong, and we must hold politicians in both major political parties when they use our foreign policy to enrich their family members.”
He continued, “The impeachment inquiry initiated by the House against President Biden is a step in the right direction, but the public shouldn’t fall for the trick of diverting attention away from the true problem. It’s also no accident that today’s indictment comes at a moment when President Biden’s own popularity within the Democratic Party is cratering. I predict this is the first step for the Democrat Party managerial class to pressure Joe Biden out of the race. Biden will become a sacrificial pawn in service to the deep state that wants to keep power at all costs.”