Donald Trump’s return to the national political stage has also seen the return of the mega MAGA campaign events his supporters had grown accustomed to prior to the global pandemic.
Last fall, the former president announced his candidacy and initiated the 2024 election campaign cycle. Now, he’s already making a huge comeback to the trail.
“A reportedly record-setting 80-million-people watched 45th President Donald Trump’s first two campaign events this past weekend with two stops in New Hampshire and South Carolina,” the DC Enquirer wrote Friday morning.
The Enquirer noted that this was the “first time that the former president since has taken to the campaign trail since he announced his 2024 bid in November.” With almost two full years before the fall 2024 election, Trump is wasting no time energizing his base and making up for a massively disappointing outcome against Joe Biden in 2020.
“WOW, BIG news just in! My weekend visit to New Hampshire and South Carolina was record setting business on social media! Over 80,000,000 watched. It is no surprise now why the Fake News Media ratings are SO BAD. People want honest coverage,” Trump announced on Truth Social earlier this week.
“My weekend visit to New Hampshire and South Carolina was record setting business on social media! Over 80 million watched. It is no surprise now why the Fake News Media ratings are SO BAD,” he continued. “People want honest coverage. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.”
Speaking at South Carolina event and flanked by prominent supporters of his campaign in the state, Trump made it clear that Americans need a fighter in their corner in order to turn the country around.
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“We need a fighter who can stand up to the left, stand up to the swamp, stand up to the media, stand up to the deep state. Am I allowed to say stand up to the RINOs, too?” the former and once-again aspiring president said. “We’re going to find the deep state actors who have burrowed into the government, fire them, and escort them from federal buildings. That will go very quickly.”
“We’re going to stop the appalling weaponization of our justice system. There’s never been a justice system like this. It’s all investigation, investigation. I’ve been going through it for seven years,” Trump added. “We’re going to stop the left-wing radical racists and perverts who are trying to indoctrinate our youth. And we’re going to get their Marxist hands off of our children.”
Aiding Trump’s comeback, which seems to be marked by decidedly less free coverage from corporate media outlets – perhaps learning their lesson that every fake story only further propped him up – is the fact that Big Tech has reinstated his accounts.
In the past few weeks, both Elon Musk’s Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, the parent company of Facebook, announced his two-year ban had been lifted.
Trump reacted as we have come to expect, blasting Facebook on his Truth platform.
“FACEBOOK, which has lost Billions of Dollars in value since ‘deplatforming’ your favorite President, me, has just announced that they are reinstating my account,” Trump boomed.
“Such a thing should never again happen to a sitting President, or anybody else who is not deserving of retribution! THANK YOU TO TRUTH SOCIAL FOR DOING SUCH AN INCREDIBLE JOB. YOUR GROWTH IS OUTSTANDING, AND FUTURE UNLIMITED,” he continued, marking his commentary in all caps.
Donald Trump was first suspended in the aftermath of the events of January 6th and banned permanently shortly after.