According to recent polling figures, former President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden in a hypothetical head-to-head presidential race.
A poll released this week administered by CBS News and YouGov shows that 50 percent of participants would vote for Donald Trump over Joe Biden in a presidential election, a much different outcome than the previous 2020 election results.
The poll shows a hypothetical 2024 scenario in which Trump wins 50 percent of votes where only 49 percent would vote for Biden. Interestingly, the data shows independent voters swaying more heavily toward Trump, with 57 percent backing the former president and only 42 percent siding with Biden.
2024 Presidential Election: CBS News
(R) Trump 50%
(D) Biden 49%Independents
(R) Trump 57%
(D) Biden 42%YouGov (B+) | 2,385 LV | 09/12-15
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) September 17, 2023
As we get closer to the 2024 election, Joe Biden’s physical and mental health has been increasingly drawn into question. According to the poll results, only 34 percent believe Biden would complete a second term if reelected. In contrast, most voters believe Trump would successfully complete his second term if reelected.
Moreover, only 28 percent believe Biden’s physical health is up to par to carry out his duties as president. A small margin of 16 percent of voters feel that Biden has adequate physical health to serve as president. However, participants generally feel that Trump is in sufficient condition to serve as president of the United States.
Corroborating the findings of the CBS / YouGov poll, a recent Harvard-Harris Poll discovered that former President Donald Trump had an even larger lead over Biden in a hypothetical 2024 scenario, with Trump at 44 percent and Biden at 40 percent. Under a scenario where Trump would run against Kamala Harris, the poll had Trump winning by 6 percent, taking 46 percent of the vote.
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The poll also addressed Trump’s position in the Republican primary race, where the numbers show it isn’t even close. Trump is the undoubted leader at 57 percent, crushing second place DeSantis, who sits at 10 percent. Trump cited similar poll numbers as a reason he chose to refrain from participating in the first Republican debate.
The American Tribune recently reported on the testimonies of several young voters who cited reasons for backing Donald Trump instead of Joe Biden in the upcoming election. Their sentiments could demonstrate a shift in voting behavior within the younger demographic in 2024.
21-year-old Jahmiel Jackson, a Democrat voter, explained that he will not be voting for Joe Biden in 2024 because of the incompetence observed in the current administration. The young Democrat also expressed concerns of Biden’s leadership brining us into a devastating war. “I’ve seen no form of accountability in this administration. I think this is what’s going to change my vote from formerly Joe Biden to Donald Trump,” he said.
“I have seen the pullout of Afghanistan from Joe Biden. And then I watched him check his watch during the funeral of the servicemen. And I think if we were to go to a war, I’m prime age be drafted. And I don’t want him to check his watch while they’re burying me. I don’t believe that he’s a competent commander-in-chief. And then he’d probably blame my death on climate change in the same way he blamed the pullout in Afghanistan on Donald Trump,” he continued.