It is often said that dog is man’s best friend. Some also believe that your dog chooses to appear in your life for a specific reason. A Michigan nursing home seems to think that is exactly what has happened to them.
In 2017, a dog named Scout started regularly escaping from the Antrim County Animal Shelter, which is located across the street from Meadow Brook Medical Care Facility. Three times the dog managed to flee from the shelter, leaping over the outside fence. He could then be found asleep on the couch in the nursing home’s lobby.
After his third escape from the animal shelter, the medical care center decided it must be fate that Scout kept finding his way to their lobby couch. Therefore, they decided to permanently adopt him.
Meadow Brook administrator Marna Robertson said:
“I don’t know why he chose us.”
“What was funny with Scout is he’s a jailbreaker. He can open doors and get out of fences. He’s a very intelligent dog.”
“He just brings love and he brings normalcy. You know, when you come into a facility, right? You have a lot of loss. And one of the losses, when people have to leave their homes, is pets. So it really helps the residents; it creates a sense of home.”
Various members of the medical facility’s staff had honorable things to say about Scout, stating that he was the protector of the residents and staff and that he cared for the sick.
“He knows all the residents. He knows who belongs, who doesn’t belong, and he protects the household,” household coordinator Jenny Martinek claimed. “And he knows when people are sick, or you know, not doing well and he will go in and lay with them and give them comfort,” clinical care coordinator Stephanie Elsey commented.
Meadow Brook Medical Care Facility posted on their Facebook page, “Tune in tonight UpNorthLive News at 6:00 p.m. to see Scout make his TV debut for the 1st Annual Scout’s House Paws for the Pantry story. News Reporter Irelend Viscount interviewed Marna Robertson, Administrator; Stephanie Troyer , RN, Clinical Care Coordinator and Jenny Martinek, HHC for Glacier Hill House.”
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Ireland Viscount also posted a heartwarming video of Scout and a fundraise they set up based around him. The post said, “This is Scout. Back in 2017, he kept showing up on a couch in the lobby of Meadow Brooks Medical Care Facility in Antrim County. Scout now lives at the care facility. Tune into UpNorthLive news tonight to hear Scouts story and the fundraiser staff have started this year.”
This year the staff at Meadow Brook organized a fundraiser in Scout’s name to help the Antrim County Animal Shelter that he used to call home. Scouts House Paws for the Pantry Fundraiser will last accept donations until January 13. They are taking donations of dog food, cat food, treats, and toys for animals in need. These generous gifts will be accepted in the lobby of the Meadow Brook Medical Care facility in Bellaire, Michigan.
Note Featured Image is screenshot from linked video.