As the election grows closer, more attention is being paid to Joe Biden’s wide-open border, not from just conservatives or conservative media but from regular Americans whose towns are suddenly overrun with undocumented immigrants. Even the leftist media has been forced to cover the environmental and humanitarian disaster the border has become. Now, despite actions that clearly dispute his words, Joe Biden is clamoring for legislation to allow him to do something he already has the power to do. Close the border.
Many mayors and governors of affected states have indicated that they are fed up with the way Biden is handling the migrant crisis. They aren’t all conservatives, either. New York Mayor Kathy Hochul, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and others have roundly criticized Biden’s failed policies, demanding solutions.
Among the most critical is Arkansas Governor and potential VP candidate Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Sanders had some harsh criticism recently. Fox News’s Jesse Waters was interviewing her. He asked, “Governor, why is it so hard to deport people who don’t belong here who kick cops, drive drunk, and steal my grandma’s Social Security number?” Waters humorously yet pointedly posed the question to Sanders, who proceeded to unload on Biden.
Sanders said: “Because we have a president who absolutely doesn’t care that millions and millions of people are coming across our border illegally. He has the power to shut the border down, to stop it. He can reinstate the remain in Mexico policy. He could actually build the wall. There is a lot of things he could be doing and this simply is a complete and total failure by this administration. In the state of Arkansas alone we seized enough fentanyl in the last year to kill every single person in our entire state.”
Sanders was stating what Americans know in regard to the border; however, she wasn’t done. She continued: “That’s nearly 3 million people. Every man, woman and child. Enough fentanyl just in this state alone. It’s an absolute disgrace with this president is doing and it’s another great example while in November he has to go and Donald Trump has to be put back in place so we can secure our border and get our country back.”
Perhaps she is stumping for a cabinet position or perhaps VP, but Sanders certainly sounded done with Joe Biden. Waters asked: “Do think Joe Biden loves this country?” To which Sanders declared in no uncertain terms, “If he did, he certainly wouldn’t be trying to destroy it second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. That’s exactly what he’s doing.”
She concluded: “He’s allowed our economy to drop and our border to completely collapse. Our enemy certainly don’t fear us. Our allies don’t respect us. Literally every single thing he does is at the destruction and demise of the people in this country. I think it is frankly totally disgraceful and disqualifying for him to be president of the United States if he cannot do the simple job of securing our border either at the south or the north.”
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Sanders is echoing the majority of the nation. Major Democrat sanctuary cities are at the breaking point, and the flow isn’t stopping. If Biden continues this open-border policy, it would be a stunner if he were re-elected in November.
Featured image screen grab from embedded YouTube video