One Detroit woman took matters into her own hands after a would-be criminal attempted driving off in her slick Mercedes Benz. While most criminals feel like they own the failing deep-blue city, Bianca Chambers stood her ground and embarrassed some dadless dope in front of his homies.
She is now being lauded as an “American hero. And why not. Chambers brings an absolute wrecking ball to the scene, reclaiming her car and humiliating some nameless deadbeat loser with nothing better to do than engage in criminal behavior. He’ll think twice about those dreads too, no doubt.
Louder with Crowder narrated the hilarious video:
The story goes like this. Bianca Chambers is a boutique owner with a Mercedes-Benz. Dummy McDumberson stole that Mercedes-Benz. McDumberson then drives the stolen Benz around the same neighborhood Chambers owns a boutique in. This allowed Chambers to track the stolen vehicle via tips on social media. Three times she found her car, but by the time police came Dummy drove off.
The fourth time, Chambers took matters into her own hands. She took out her own tires so McDumberson couldn’t escape. She then goes into the barbershop to confront McDumberson and drags him by his dreadlocks. The other people in the shop helped make a citizen’s arrest until police showed up. Chambers got her Benz back. Her nice and cleans Benz. McDumberson took the car to get detailed.
The look on McDumberson’s face as he’s being dragged makes the video. Rarely do you catch the exact moment someone finds themselves questioning all their poor life choices all at once. McDumberson will now have plenty of time to think about where it all went wrong.
Take a look as Chambers does the police’s job in this epic video.
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Bianca Chambers. A true American hero lmaoooooo
— 𝔼𝕓. (@EbtheCeleb) July 16, 2021
Meaww added to the story, writing that after she confronted the perp Chambers did some more digging into his criminal history. Color me shocked, but this wasn’t the first joyride in hot wheels the young hoodlum enjoyed. The most interesting part comes at the bottom, where she discovered her reclaimed car had been detailed.
She continued to probe the teenager online and found this wasn’t the first time he was accused of stealing a vehicle. Upon retrieving her vehicle, Chambers was surprised to find it remarkably clean. “They was driving, they was having a good time, they was smoking but, yes, when I got my car, it was very clean,” she said. It later emerged that the teenager had gotten the car detailed.
Meaww also covered the question we’re all asking: What is going to happen to her for conducting a citizen’s arrest? She admittedly put her hands on the suspect and the video shows him getting dragged along the floor. Deserving or not, our two-tier justice system that hates victims and loves criminals wouldn’t surprise anybody if it went after the wrong person. Thankfully, that doesn’t appear to be the case.
Chambers admittedly put her hands on the suspect during the confrontation. However, the suspect on remand allegedly does not want to press charges for the physical assault. Police said the person was being held on the allegation of receiving stolen property.