Recently, famous actor Dana Carvey issued an apology for a 1992 “Saturday Night Live” skit that may have made actress Sharon Stone uncomfortable. Stone appeared on the “Fly on the Wall” podcast hosted by Carvey and David Spade, discussing the over thirty-year-old scene.
The “Airport Security Sketch” featured Stone, Carvey, and several other prominent actors who made Stone’s character progressively undress as she walked through a metal detector. Carvey’s character depicted an Indian security member who insisted that Stone continuously remove more layers of clothing, the joke being that no such item was triggering the detector.
“I want to apologize publicly for the security check sketch where I played an Indian man and we’re convincing Sharon, her character, or whatever — to take her clothes off to go through the security thing,” Carvey said.
Spade echoed a similar sentiment to Carvey, agreeing that the skit was “so offensive” and has not aged well. “It’s so 1992, you know, it’s from another era,” Carvey added about the scene. However, Stone seemed to downplay their concerns, saying she didn’t mind performing the skit.
“I know the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony. And I think that we were all committing misdemeanors because we didn’t think there was something wrong then. We didn’t have this sense. That was funny to me, I didn’t care. I was fine being the butt of the joke,” she explained.
Stone continued to discuss how it feels as if society has lost the capability to enjoy the sense of humor displayed in the SNL skit, citing social isolation and an inability to be “funny and intimate.” The actress further described the alleged antisocial behavior she has observed, claiming many people do not know how to interact normally with each other.
“Now we’re in such a weird and precious time,” Stone said. “People have spent too much time alone. People don’t know how to be funny and intimate and any of these things with each other. Everyone is so afraid and are putting up such barriers around everything that people can’t be normal with each other anymore. It’s lost all sense of reason.” Watch the skit in question below:
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Sharon Stone recently came out with allegations of sexual misconduct by a member of Sony Studios, where she described an incident dating back to the 1980s. The actress claimed an executive exposed himself to her prior to her becoming an A-list actress.
She stated, “he is pacing around the office and he’s doing the exact same thing. ‘Oh, it’s true what they say about you and you’re the most gorgeous. We haven’t seen anyone like you in decades. Everybody’s talking about you and looking at you. You’re the most articulate. You’re so smart and beautiful and that hair.’ I mean, I had hair down, you know, to my waist and, ‘Oh, you’re just blah, blah, blah,’ and then he went, came walking right up in front of me and he said, ‘But first … ‘ and he took his p*nis right out in my face and of course I was very young and what I do when I’m nervous, because I’m basically a very bubbly person, I started laughing,” she described.
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