Tiffany Gomas, a 39-year-old Texas-based real estate developer turned internet personality, went viral last year for an aggressive outburst on a plane where she was labeled the “crazy plane lady.” Since then, she has taken to social media to express her “anti-woke” conservative values, seemingly becoming a right-wing influencer.
Last week, Gomas posted a photo of herself on social media promoting the “anti-woke” Ultra Right Beer while wearing a bikini. “Wonder how many people I’m gonna piss off with this post,” the Dallas resident wrote in the caption.
The post quickly went viral, gaining traction from conservative Instagram users. “Liberals have nothing on conservative women. Looking good, Tiffany!” one commentator wrote. “Why don’t liberal women look like this?” another person added.
Since the post, Gomas has taken the opportunity to express various other conservative beliefs she holds. For example, on Friday, she wrote, “So… is now an appropriate time to tell y’all men don’t belong in women’s sports?!” She also said in another post, “Think I need to write a book on “how to trigger people.” Ooof.”
Gomas became a hit on social media after an episode last summer where she appeared to be afraid of some supernatural being on an American Airlines flight out of the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. Footage of the incident shows Gomas walking down the aisle of plane, emphatically stating that something “back there is not real.”
She shouted, “there’s a reason why I’m getting the f*** off and everyone can either believe it or not believe it, I don’t give two f****, but I am telling you right now that m*********** back there is not real.” However, she recently appeared on the Barstool Sports “Pardon My Take” podcast, where she addressed the situation. According to Gomas, the whole event originated from an “altercation” with another passenger on the flight.
Per Gomas, “You know, the reason I probably haven’t come out yet, ’cause it’s like so cringe, I did not see anything. So I got in a bit of an altercation. It spiraled out of control. It was not my best moment.” She added, “I mean, it was actually a horrible moment. It’s absolutely mortifying.”
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“Distressed or not, I should have been in control of my emotions and that was not the case,” Gomas said in an apology. “My use of profanity was completely unnecessary and I want to apologize to everyone on that plane, especially those that had children aboard.”
The Dallas-Forth Worth International Airport Police claim the incident started as Gomas feuded with a family she accused of stealing AirPods. “The female then started claiming the aircraft was not safe and did not want the aircraft to leave due to her believing it would not make it to its destination,” the July 2 complaint states. “Due to the statements, the flight attendants felt the aircraft needed to be rescreened. [The airline manager] explained that the passenger was denied boarding and they wanted her escorted to the public side.”
Featured image credit: Screenshot from embedded video / Tiffany Gomas X