As some on the right battle with President Joe Biden’s defenders over whether he is mentally competent to handle the responsibilities of the presidency, allegations that stem in large part from the content of the Hur report, Fox News Channel’s Jesse Watters just alleges that Biden showed up about an hour late to an 11 AM speech because he slept in so late.
Such is what Watters claimed on April 3, after President Biden was reportedly late to a speech with Bernie Sanders, saying that Biden arrived to the speech quite late and that the alleged CPAP creases on Biden’s face showed that he had been sleeping in. Watters made those comments in response to claims from Dr. Jill Biden that Biden is not losing all the battleground states and will win the 2024 election.
Responding to Dr. Jill’s claims, Watters made his allegations about Biden oversleeping, laughing and claiming, “It’s obvious Joe is going to win? Does the doctor [Jill Biden] know something we don’t? Whatever happened to run like you’re behind? Today, Biden overslept and was late to an 11:00 speech. He didn’t show up until an hour later. And if you look closely, you can see the CPAP creases on his face. He wears a machine around his noggin to keep him breathing at night. He has sleep apnea, and if he has a creasy face at noon, he just got out of bed.”
Continuing, Watters claimed that Biden showing up late meant Sen. Sanders was waiting for an hour, alleging, “He kept Bernie Sanders waiting an hour. That’s either a power move by Biden or that’s just sleepy. The president didn’t fly home from a West Coast campaign stop last night late. Yesterday, the president did nothing. He had a phone call. That’s it.”
Watters then turned to how the campaign is going for Biden, saying, “I wouldn’t be sleeping in at this stage of the campaign. New Wall Street Journal poll: Biden’s not ahead in a single battleground. Trump’s up in North Carolina, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, it’s all even in Wisconsin. And in last night’s Wisconsin primary, 50,000 Democrats cast a protest vote against Biden.”
Alleging that things are even worse for Biden than they might seem at first glance, Watters alleged, “But it gets worse for him. Look at their approval ratings in the states that’ll decide the election. Trump’s really popular and Joe’s not, his coalition’s collapsing. Blacks, Hispanics, young Americans, mostly men, don’t want to have anything to do with the Democratic Party.”
Watch Watters here:
During the speech, Biden and Sanders discussed lowering medical costs, particularly for prescription drugs. Both alleged that prices in America are far higher than abroad, with Sen. Sanders, for example, saying, “On average, we pay over 3 times as much as other major countries for brand name prescription drugs, and, in some cases we pay 10 or 20 times more than the people of other countries for the same exact product. Meanwhile, ten top drug companies made over $110 billion in profits last year, and pay their CEOs tens of millions of dollars in compensation.”
Featured image credit: screengrab from the embedded video
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