In the wake of an executive order from President Donald Trump in which the angry, vengeful president yanked the security clearances of those involved in the intelligence community letter proclaiming the Hunter Biden laptop to have the “hallmarks” of a Russian disinformation campaign, a group that included John Brennan, Brennan went on MSNBC and lied about what happened. He had something of a meltdown while doing so. He was then utterly torched online for it.
As background, Brennan’s temper tantrum came when he spoke to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, saying, “The only reason why I still had a security clearance, as I have for the past number of years since I left government service, was for the benefit of the government, so that if the CIA or another government agency wanted to call me in to discuss the classified matter, they could do that.”
He then claimed, “It was really for the government’s benefit. It was to facilitate those classified discussions with myself as well as with former directors as well as other former members of the intelligence community that had those clearances.” Brennan further added, “He misrepresented the facts in that executive order because it said that we had suggested that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation. No, we said it was all the hallmarks of Russian information operations, including the dumping of accurate information, which is what we said in that letter.”
That itself was a lie and misrepresentation. In the executive order, Trump said, accurately, “In the closing weeks of the 2020 Presidential campaign, at least 51 former intelligence officials coordinated with the Biden campaign to issue a letter discrediting the reporting that President Joseph R. Biden’s son had abandoned his laptop at a computer repair business. Signatories of the letter falsely suggested that the news story was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.”
So, Brennan was torched on X (formerly Twitter). Doing so, an account going by “The Perimeter” called him a “corrupt swamp creature,” saying, “Corrupt swamp creature and former CIA Director John Brennan has been stripped of his security clearance. Why? Because he was one of the 51 former intelligence officials who signed onto what can only be described as a political hit job masquerading as an intelligence assessment.”
Continuing, the account slammed the letter written by Brennan and the others, saying, “These spooks, with Brennan leading the charge, had the gall to pen a letter claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story — you know, the one with the strippers, the crack, and the incriminating emails — had ‘all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’ Right, because when you think of Russian disinformation, your mind immediately jumps to ‘laptop left in a repair shop.'”
Then, obliterating Brennan’s motives and noting what the “intelligence community” was up to with the letter, he said, “This wasn’t about protecting national security; this was about protecting a political campaign by casting doubt on one of the most bizarre and undeniably real stories of the election cycle. The letter was a perfect example of how our intelligence community has become not just politicized but weaponized.”
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Concluding, the account said, “Brennan and his crew decided to play fast and loose with the truth, using their credentials to muddy the waters in what was essentially an October surprise, but with less subtlety than a sledgehammer to a hornet’s nest. And now, with his clearance yanked, maybe it’s a small step toward accountability in a system where the line between government service and political espionage has blurred beyond recognition.”
Watch Brennan here: