John Rich, half of the duo Big and Rich wears lots of hats. He has his duo with Big Kenny, but he’s also an accomplished songwriter, bar owner, and solo artist. His outstanding Lower Broadway Nashville bar named “Redneck Riviera Bar and BBQ” is covered in patriotic, anti woke themes and messages, and now he has even more accolades.
Recently John Rich put another feather in his cowboy hat, as his new song, a collaboration with conservative rapper Tom MacDonald took the top spot on the iTunes “all-genre” chart. The list of artists the duet outpaced is impressive.
“End of the World” outsold wokesters Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, and even Nashville heavyweight Morgan Wallen. Breitbart had this to say:
You don’t come across that many country-rap collaborations in the music world. But sometimes a cross-pollination yields an unqualified hit. Such is the case with the new single “End of the World,” a collaboration between indie rapper Tom MacDonald and country music star John Rich.
This week Rich celebrated “End of the World” hitting the No. 1 spot on iTunes’ all-genre download chart, surpassing singles by Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, and country music star Morgan Wallen.
People who aren’t familiar with Tom MacDonald may not realize he is the leading voice, and perhaps only voice in conservative rap music. MacDonald, a 34 year-old Canadian born white rapper, often centers his music around cancel culture, wokeness, and freedom of speech. The left has tried time and again to cancel him, but MacDonald produces and promotes his own material, and has a huge following on YouTube.
The collaboration with country heavyweight John Rich has proven to be more than the woke left can silence, as evidenced by the huge chart position. The song? It’s an outstanding mix of country and rap, and the lyrics speak truth to how our country is right now. Breitbart describes it thusly:
The song is anti-establishment to its core, warning about the evils posed by big corporations, big government, the military industrial complex, and the wokeness consuming the culture. As the title spells out, the song’s outlook is fundamentally pessimistic. Alternating voices in their respective music styles, MacDonald and Rich prophesy an apocalyptic scenario that feels inevitable but also avoidable, if only the right people take action soon enough.
True to its message, “End of the World” itself is an anti-establishment creation, written and released outside the mainstream music industry.
John Rich has hit number one with his anti-woke message before. His song “Progress”, a scathing diss on the progressive agenda, shot to number one in the Summer 2022. So, how did Rich pair with a conservative, pro-American Canadian white rapper? Breitbart continues:
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“I’ve been a fan of Tom MacDonald for a while now. He’s one of the only artists out there with enough guts to speak the raw truth and do it at an extremely high artistic level,” he said.
“I was honored to collaborate with him on ‘End Of The World’ and it’s a proud moment for me to stand shoulder to shoulder with him as we find success with this song without bending the knee to the music industrial complex. We look very different, but we feel the same about our freedom and the future of our nation and our world. This is an important song.”
“I’m honoured to have him as a collaborator on our song ‘End of The World,’” MacDonald told Breitbart News. “John is not only a fellow artist – he’s a fellow disruptor. He’s one of the few people I’ve ever met who share my willingness to stand up and scream the truth in-spite of the music industry – or anyone’s – approval. ‘End of The World’ is by two very different guys – who have one very loud message”
The sales numbers and popularity of artists like Rich, MacDonald, Morgan Wallen and the few others that dare speak truth and stand up for their values prove that more artists need to be true to their faith and personal beliefs, and stop worrying about the left censoring them.