Famous comedian and actor Dick Capri tragically passed away in his sleep at the age of 93 after spending his final Christmas with his family. Reports indicate that Cari’s cause of death was the result of bleeding from an enlarged aorta. Apparently, doctors were too concerned to operate on the condition due to Capri’s advanced age as a nonagenarian.
Capri’s son Jeff said after his father’s passing, “The world is not as funny today as it was yesterday” Explaining that Capri made the most of his final days, Jeff noted that loved ones gathered for a family dinner at Dick’s favorite restaurant on Christmas Day before he would be found dead the following morning. Capri’s life partner, Alison Kaplan, shared a heartfelt post on social, saying her final goodbye to Dick.
Kaplan’s post read, “I was hoping I could prolong this for a little bit, but unfortunately, once it started to get out, other people managed to post in front of the family. Sometime in the middle of the night, December 26 this world became very lonely for me. For the last year, I’ve been dealing with a lot of very personal family issues and two very important loves of my life on hospice care.”
Illustrating how difficult 2024 has been for her, she said, “It has been a very traumatic year personally to say the least.” Focusing back on Dick, she added, “Dick Capri, was truly one of the best. He knew how to dress up in the so-called monkey suit and do his time, and then he became, for the most part, a very normal human being. Let’s face it, all comedians deal on a very different level.”
Continuing, she said, “For the last 24 years of my life, this very good man loved me and showed me true love, kindness, generosity, and made it very apparent that it was he who he gave me a good sense of humor. That part I let him believe. My lifelong friends will tell you I always had a good sense of humor. I knew for sure about a month ago that we had a short time left together and we did whatever we could to make the time pass with dignity.”
“A lot of people have always said, there’s such a big age difference between the two of you. I’ll tell you what I wish you all, as in our business age means nothing. The reason for that is whether you’re 20, 50, 80…., You are all dealing with the same professional situations,” Kaplan wrote before continuing to expound upon the nature of her and her late partner’s shared profession.
“I personally consider our business, a wonderful business and a very ugly business,” she noted, before sharing an admirable quality of the comedian’s character. “Once you hit a certain age, things change and Capri always said be nice on the way up because there will be an on the way down and people never forget.”
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Concluding her post, Kaplan stated, “He was great on stage. He was killer at a table for dinner, and for people who are drinking and smoking a little grass, there was no one better to hang with. I’ve decided to share pictures of the life that we’ve led in the last 24 years and you know what, I wish this kind of love on everybody. I will miss you forever. My only regret is we didn’t have more time. I will always love you..”
See one of Capri’s legendary comedy skits:
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.