It’s no secret that prices are up everywhere, for almost everything. Since taking office, Joe Biden has crashed the economy in such stunning fashion that things that were considered cheap, like fast food just a few years ago are now an expensive luxury. Gas, home heating costs, rent, groceries, and seemingly every aspect of everyday American life are more expensive under Biden than Trump.
The reasons vary, but the main culprit for higher prices is inflation driven by outrageous fuel prices. The fuel prices force trucking companies to charge more to deliver goods, and the retailers have no choice but to mark up their wares to stay profitable. Biden may blame Putin, climate change, Donald Trump, greedy corporations, and millionaires “not paying their fair share,” but any American who has a job and family and pays their own bills knows that everything is insanely expensive under Joe Biden and the Democrats.
Recently, it was noted that a once linchpin of American service, quality, and value in the food service industry suddenly isn’t such a great value anymore. Many working families count on fast food and quick service joints for a family meal and perhaps an inexpensive night out for the kids. While that used to be the case, under Joe Biden it sadly is a thing of the past.
One of the most beloved chains in the business, Chick-fil-A, has raised its prices by a shocking 21% in the last two years as the chain struggles to stay even with inflation. In 2022, the chain increased prices by 15%, then in January of 2023 hiked another 6%. The increased mean a sandwich is now $5.79, while nuggets clock in at $5.95. It is a stunning increase passed along to a customer base that can barely afford it.
There are other factors at play besides the disastrous Biden economic policy, however. Many states have sought to install increased minimum wages, including California, raising it to a hefty $20 and hour. Naturally, with increased labor costs for unskilled, entry-level work, restaurant chains are being forced to pass along the cost to customers.
Thirty states now have a minimum wage higher than the required federal wage, and more are sure to follow suit. Instead of these jobs being entry-level positions intended for retirees and teenagers, liberal states want to make flipping burgers a job paid highly enough to raise a family on, and that isn’t sustainable for the industry.
In some states, the cost of a Big Mac is expected to soar to $15 dollars. Brandon Arnold, executive vice president of the National Taxpayers Union, sees troubled waters ahead for the fast food industry. He said companies are “either gonna have to raise prices, start to reduce those labor costs or a combination of both.” Labor costs are the biggest obstacle in terms of profitability in the industry, and layoffs are sure to follow. Arnold concluded: “And that’s not fair to those employees that are getting laid off, nor is it fair to the customers that are all of the sudden paying $12, $15 for a Big Mac.”
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It’s a tough time in America. Groceries are expensive, and even cheap fast food is now the price that a nice sit-down meal was under President Trump. Hopefully, a change in Washington in 2024 can restore balance, and Trump can fix our broken economy so we can all afford nuggets again.