Political Commentary Conservative Watchdog Claims George Soros Has Spent Over $80 Million Pushing Censorship
Political Commentary WATCH: Even CNN Analyst Admits Biden’s Facing “Absolute Disaster” as Trump Rises
Political Commentary “Weaker and Weaker”: Three Attorneys Explain Just How Terribly DA Bragg’s “Hush Money” Case is Going [WATCH]
Political Commentary “Why Do You Think Americans are So Down on Biden?”: Doocy Crushes KJP with Critical Question [WATCH]
Political Commentary UNC Chapel Hill Board Votes to Demolish DEI Department, Transfer Funds to University Police
Political Commentary Bank CEO Issues Warning As America’s Interest Expense on National Debt Outpaces National Defense, Medicare
Business and Economy Commentary “Springsteen Can’t Pull Half That!”: Eric Trump Uses Crowd Size to Show Trump’s Huge Popularity [WATCH]
Political Commentary WATCH: Flashback Video Shows Liberal Former FNC Host’s Fieriest Fights on “The Five”
Political Commentary WATCH: Maher Claims Trump Prosecutors “Blew It at Every Turn” in Hush Money Case
Political Commentary WATCH: Resurfaced Video Shows Jeff Sessions Swatting Biden’s Hand from Granddaughter
Political Commentary WATCH: Even Leftist Comedian Calls Out Nancy Pelosi and Hunter Biden in Segment on “Awful” Corruption
Political Commentary Kellyanne Conway Suggests Trump Should Pick “Person of Color” as Running Mate [WATCH]
Political Commentary WATCH: Fact-Checkers Call Out Biden for Telling “A Lie A Minute” during CNN Interview
Political Commentary WATCH: NFL Hall of Fame Linebacker Says He Was “Always a Democrat” Until He Met Trump
Political Commentary “A Sleepy F***”: Teenage Trump Supporter Slams Biden in Hilarious Rally Interview [WATCH]
Political Commentary “He Barely Made It to the Limo”: Commenters Scorch Biden Over Ignoring Questions, Shuffling to Air Force One [WATCH]