Who should American companies hire? American citizens or those who aren’t American citizens? According to the Biden Department of Justice, which is now suing Elon Musk’s Space X for hiring American citizens instead of hiring refugees and asylum seekers.
The document of the lawsuit that has emerged shows that the complaint against the space company directly attacks the company for hiring Americans instead of non-citizens, saying, “The department’s lawsuit alleges that Space discriminated against asylees and refugees based on citizenship status at multiple stages of the hiring process.”
Then it gives a few examples. The first is, “Space discouraged asylees and refugees from applying for open positions, through public announcements, job applications and other online recruiting communications that excluded asylees and refugees.”
Next, it claims, “Space failed to fairly consider applications submitted by asylees and refugees.” Third, it adds, “Space refused to hire qualified asylee and refugee applicants and repeatedly rejected asylee and refugee applicants because of their citizenship status.” And, in a fourth example, it says, “Space hired only U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, from September 2018 to September 2020.”
After giving examples, the complaint berates SpaceX for hiring Americans to fill low-level job slots as well, saying, “Space recruits and hires for a variety of positions, including welders, cooks, crane operators, baristas and dishwashers, as well as information technology specialists, software engineers, business analysts, rocket engineers and marketing professionals. The jobs at issue in the lawsuit are not limited to those that require advanced degrees.”
It then gives the leftist, “moral” argument for hiring non-Americans, while also badgering Elon’s company with a woke law, saying, “Asylees and refugees are migrants to the United States who have fled persecution. To obtain their status, they undergo thorough vetting by the United States government. Under the INA, employers cannot discriminate against them in hiring, unless a law, regulation, executive order or government contract requires the employer to do so. In this instance, no law, regulation, executive order or government contract required or permitted Space to engage in the widespread discrimination against asylees or refugees that the department’s investigation found, as explained in the complaint.”
It then demands that SpaceX hire non-Americans, saying, “Because Space works with certain goods, software, technology and technical data (referred to here as export-controlled items), Space must comply with export control laws and regulations, including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations and the Export Administration Regulations. Under these regulations, asylees, refugees, lawful permanent residents, U.S. citizens and U.S. nationals working at U.S. companies can access export-controlled items without authorization from the U.S. government. Therefore, these laws do not require Space to treat asylees and refugees differently than U.S. citizens or green card holders. Find more information here on how employers can avoid discrimination when complying with export control requirements.”
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Max Meyer, who tweeted out the image of the lawsuit, argued that it was a clear attempt to punish Elon for his political views, saying, “Insane: the Biden DOJ is suing SpaceX because they “hired only U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents from Sep 2018 to Sep 2020” They want “asylees and refugees” hired. It’s obvious bullshit, intended to punish @elonmusk for his political dissent.”
Insane: the Biden DOJ is suing SpaceX because they "hired only U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents from Sep 2018 to Sep 2020"
They want "asylees and refugees" hired
It's obvious bullshit, intended to punish @elonmusk for his political dissent pic.twitter.com/yCt9FmrtT2
— Max Meyer (@mualphaxi) August 24, 2023
Meyer also argued that the suit is insane from a national security standpoint, saying, “It is longstanding principle that only U.S. citizens and some permanent residents get to work on highly-sensitive export technologies, like rockets. WHICH ARE THE SAME THINGS AS MISSILES, DOJ wants to make it easier for foreign criminals to get access to U.S. technology.“