The trans agenda is out of control, especially in the world of sports. Most athletes, especially female ones, are afraid to speak out for fear of retribution, so they stay silent, smile, and accept their runner-up awards.
There are a couple of notable exceptions, but for the most part, the Lia Thomas’s of the world are allowed to play their charade and rob biological women of the accolades they have worked for all their lives.
Recently, to make a point, a Canadian Powerlifter shattered the bench press record. Now, what point did that make? The bearded powerlifter broke the women’s record. Doubling down on the ridiculousness, the record was being held by a transgendered woman.
Team Canada powerlifting coach, Avi Silverberg just broke the Alberta WOMEN's bench press record in the 84+ kg category at the "Heroes Classic."
Former record holder, trans-identifying male, Anne Andres had a front row view as Silverberg mocked the discriminatory CPU policy…
— ICONS Women (@icons_women) March 27, 2023
Avi Silverberg is the head coach for Team Canada Powerlifting. Since 2012, Silverberg has competed three times in the World Bench Press, winning a bronze medal in 2010. Now as a proud transgendered, bearded woman, he owns another record.
The Canadian powerlifting rules are very loose regarding trans participation. They write that they support: “the recommendations outlined in Creating Inclusive Environments for Trans Participants in Canadian Sport, the guidance document developed by the Trans Inclusion in Sport Expert Working Group and published by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES).”
They go on to say: “Individuals participating in development and recreational sport (LTAD stages Active Start, FUNdamental, Learn to Train, Train to Train, Train to Compete (until international federation rules apply) and Active for Life) should be able to participate in the gender with which they identify and not be subject to requirements for disclosure of personal information beyond those required of cisgender athletes. Nor should there be any requirement for hormonal therapy or surgery.”
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Further, they conclude: “Individuals should not be required to disclose their trans identity or history to the sport organization in order to participate in high-performance sport … unless there is a justified reason requiring them to do so,”
In short, to compete in Canada, you need not do anything more than say you are a woman. No surgery, no hormone therapy. Nothing. This is, of course, absurd.
Anne Andres, who is recognized as a female on the Open Powerlifting ranking site recently made some scurrilous comments about women’s powerlifting that may have led to Silverberg’s “in your face” stunt. The trans lifter said: “Why is women’s bench so bad? I mean not compared to me, we all know that I’m a tranny freak, so that doesn’t count. … I mean, standard bench in powerlifting competitions for women. I literally don’t understand why it’s so bad.”
This prompted a response from University of Kentucky swimmer and outspoken women’s advocate Riley Gaines. In a Tweet, Gaines fired back: “Anne Andres (male who identifies and competes as a woman) doesn’t understand why female powerlifters are so ‘bad’ at bench press. … Well I don’t know Anne, but maybe it’s because you have 20 times more testosterone than them. Just a thought …”
Gaines of course nails the point as she usually does. It’s a point that far too many people are afraid to acknowledge. Meanwhile, women’s sports are being hijacked by dudes. To add a little extra emphasis, Silverberg shattered the record with Andres in attendance.
It is a ridiculous situation, and absurd that a clear point had to be made by Avi Silverberg, but until more men are willing to make a mockery of the situation, women’s sports will be in danger.