it is Thursday, March 20, 2025, and as such it is the 19th birthday of Barron Trump, the only child of Donald and Melania Trump. In a very sweet moment, commentators across the internet, particularly conservatives on X (formerly Twitter) chimed in to wish the young man a very happy birthday.
Born in 2006, Barron is now a 6-foot-7 young man who is beloved by most MAGA Americans, who see in him energy that helped push his father to win the 2024 presidential election, as shown by Barron’s apparent role in helping his father arrange podcast interviews with podcasters that are popular amongst young men, something that might have pushed Trump over the edge and to victory in November.
That foray into national politics over the course of 2024 was one of the first times Barron has had much public involvement, though, as USA Today noted in an article on his birthday, President Trump told a Hollywood Walk of Fame crowd in January of 2007 that Barron had a bright life as a ruthless businessman and public ahead of him. Doing so, Trump said, USA Today reported, “That’s Barron. He’s strong, he’s smart, he’s tough, he’s vicious, he’s violent…all of the ingredients you need to be an entrepreneur. And most importantly, hopefully, he is smart because smart is really the ingredient. Good luck, Barron. You have a long way to go.” Then, when the infant boy, a mere nine months old, seized the microphone, the president said, USA Today reports, “Uh-oh, he won’t give up the mic!”
However, Barron is still mostly a private individual. He is currently enrolled as a freshman at New York University’s Stern School of Business, though he remains off campus in his living arrangements, as he commutes to the school’s Greenwich village campus from his Trump Tower home in Manhattan.
In any case, commenters online were quick to wish Barron a happy birthday. Young conservative political activist Ryan Fournier, for example, posted, “Barron Trump turns 19 years old today. Happy Birthday! ” Another poster said, “Happy 19th Birthday to Barron Trump! What an outstanding young man and future leader.
Yet another posted a video compilation of some of Barron’s heartwarming public appearances over his life and captioned it by saying, “Happy 19th birthday, Barron Trump! May your remarkable aura, the legacy of your family name, and your sharp mind guide you to great heights. Ad Maiora
” Watch that video here:
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Another well-wisher on X commented that they remember when Barron was born, and it’s hard realizing that it has been 19 years since then. That poster wrote, “Happy 19th Birthday to Barron Trump! Gosh, I remember when he was born. Seems like only yesterday. Now I feel old .
On a somewhat similar note, another poster said that her son has the same birthday as Barron, something that warms her heart fills her with joy, writing, “Happy 19th birthday to Barron Trump. Today, my youngest turns 6!
I’m honored that my son shares the same birthday as Barron.”