Former congresswoman Liz Cheney took to X on Monday, reacting to comments President Trump suggesting that Cheney could face jail time. Cheney has been a staunch opponent of Trump’s, participating in the controversial January 6 Committee. Former President Joe Biden recently issued a pardon for Cheney and the rest of the committee, drawing suspicion from Trump and others.
“Trump’s remarks in the Capitol Visitor Center today were a reminder that neither lies nor the liar who tells them get better with age,” Cheney wrote on X. The Wyoming Republican sounded off on the president for his supposed role in the January 6 riots, claiming that he refused to instruct his reporters to stop. However, Trump was recorded telling supporters to protest peacefully.
“The Select Committee evidence is available on multiple websites and, as a criminal defendant, Donald Trump has had access to all the transcripts for years. Remember Trump’s character: He sat in his dining room watching on television as his supporters attacked our Capitol and brutally assaulted law enforcement. For hours, he refused to instruct the mob to leave. The truth will never change,” she continued.
The Tribune reported on comments from Trump while he was signing executive orders on Monday. The president called out how the committee “destroyed documents,” before noting that in some cases, people “got to jail for a long time” over such an offense. The statement came as Trump reacted to the sweeping pardon Biden made for the J6 Committee in the final hours of his presidency.
“How about this J6 committee? How do you … why is he pardoning them?” Trump asked while sitting at the Resolute desk, where he signed more than 200 executive orders. “The reason is because, if you delete and destroy documentation, everything, they have nothing, because they were guilty as hell,” he said, implying the actions demonstrate guilt.
Trump added, “They rigged it. It was a rigged deal. And when you do that, they look very bad, but I was a little surprised he did it.” He continued, “Liz Cheney, she’s a lunatic, and she lost by the greatest margin in the history of a politician running for Congress, like 40 points. The reason it was the greatest is because anybody losing that badly is going to drop out, but she’s a nut job. She doesn’t drop out. You know, she just keeps chugging forward, and she lost by almost 40 points. That’s the biggest number anybody’s ever lost by.”
“But why would Biden do that? He pardoned her and pardoned everybody…The reason is that they destroy documents, and if you’re even in a civil case, which this wouldn’t be, I mean, people would go to jail for a long time for doing that,” he added. Watch Trump below:
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The American Tribune reported on Biden issuing the pardons on his last morning in office. He said, “I believe in the rule of law, and I am optimistic that the strength of our legal institutions will ultimately prevail over politics. But these are exceptional circumstances, and I cannot in good conscience do nothing. Baseless and politically motivated investigations wreak havoc on the lives, safety, and financial security of targeted individuals and their families. Even when individuals have done nothing wrong-and in fact have done the right thing-and will ultimately be exonerated, the mere fact of being investigated or prosecuted can irreparably damage reputations and finances.”