Louisiana’s John Kennedy only made it in the Senate in 2016, but it sure feels like he’s been there forever. He is famous across the Beltway and throughout the nation for his wit and humor, usually at the expense of idiot Democrats and their stupidly grotesque worldview.
Kennedy was back at it in a public speaking event, taking “wokers” to task for being generally stupid and frail. It’s not a hard subject to approach, given how easy leftist crybabies make it, but only Kennedy has the right cadence, diction, and delivery to make his observations absolutely hilarious.
Take a look as Kennedy roasts D.C.’s cadre of woke losers in this bit:
These woke, high IQ stupid people, they’re easy to recognize.
They hate George Washington, they hate Thomas Jefferson, they hate Dr. Seuss, and they hate Mr. Potato Head.
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These woke, high IQ stupid people, they walk around with Ziplock bags of Kale that they can eat to give them energy. Now if you want to eat kale, that’s up to you.
I don’t eat kale, you know why? Because kale tastes to me like I’d rather be fat.
And these high IQ stupid people – the wokers in charge of Washington DC; the berserk wing of the Democratic Party – They hyperventilate on their yoga mats if you use the wrong pronouns. They’re all over Washington DC.
That’s some hilarious stuff. Kale, yoga, virtue signaling, and iron-fisted tyranny – these people are just the worst. Good on Senator Kennedy for calling them out for what they are. Stupid people.
Of course, Kennedy is known for these comical monologues. Back in August when it looked like Republicans might actually win a red tsunami, the Louisiana legislator put out this belly-busting bit. Make sure you’re sitting down for this one.
As The American Tribune wrote at the time, this ad had everything going for it.
In one part, for example, Kennedy said “People say I’m outspoken. It’s true. I have the right to remain silent. I just don’t have the ability. I’m just being me.”
In another funny line, Kennedy references his inability to sit quietly yet again while also blasting DC insiders that get their feelings hurt so easily, saying:
“For all those Washington, insider, elite bedwetters, whose feelings I hurt, here’s some free advice: Go buy yourself an emotional support pony. Because I’m not going to shut up.”
Continuing, Kennedy then made his best joke of the whole ad, giving some very good advice to anyone wondering how to act, saying:
“And one more thing, always be yourself, unless you suck.”
Perhaps the best part about the ad came when he addressed rising energy costs and the ongoing Hunter Biden scandal. The American Tribune continued:
While those jokes were all funny, particularly the “unless you suck” one, they might not have been his takedown of Bidenflation and gas prices, when he lit into the fuel price crisis and Hunter’s drug problem, saying:
“Meanwhile, I don’t know about where you live, Jesse, but in my state, the price of gas is so high that it would be cheaper to buy cocaine and just run everywhere.”
Featured image: Screen shot from embedded Rumble video.