“Truth is stranger than fiction” is an old saying, but in 2023 it seems to be closer than the truth than ever before. Our society has gotten so upside down and ridiculous, that the wildest story has to be examined from all sides to know if it is true or satire.
The Babylon Bee is one of the most popular, controversial comedy/satire sites on the internet. They are so controversial that they had previously been banned by Twitter before Elon Musk came along and set the Bee free.
While their sin was nothing more than running afoul of the leftists running Twitter, the Bee stung the left so hard they were removed and censored. The site keeps track of how many of its “predictions” come true, and indicative of the times, they recently counted nearly 100 that have proven accurate. The DC Enquirer reports:
According to Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillion, nearly 100 of the Babylon Bee’s satirical articles have come true.
“The problem isn’t that our satire is too close to reality, it’s that reality is too close to satire, so our jokes keep coming true
According to Dillion, the Bee keeps a running tab of how many of their articles have become fully or partially reality after their publication. “So we have a spreadsheet of nearly 100 jokes now that we’ve tracked. They were fulfilled like prophecies instead of punch lines.”
It’s not as if the Babylon Bee is going after the obvious, low-hanging fruit. That is the job of the left and what they consider comedy, which isn’t funny at all. The Bee poked fun at the trans agenda, lgbtq issues, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and anything else they felt was ridiculous at the moment. Shocking what they have gotten right. The DC Enquirer continued:
One such example came in July 2021, when the Bee published an article entitled ‘To Improve Public Perception, Kamala Harris Taking Likability Lessons From Hillary Clinton.’ One month later, an article was published by Axios entitled, ‘Scoop: Inside a Kamala Harris Crisis Dinner’ which detailed a dinner hosted by a former Clinton advisor with prominent women in the Democratic party – including Hillary Clinton’s former spokesperson to discuss how to help Harris deal with bad press.
In November 2019, another article was published by the Bee entitled, ‘Trump: ‘I Have Done More For Christianity Than Jesus.’ Two years later, during an interview, then-President Trump stated, “Nobody has done more for Christianity or for evangelicals or for religion itself than I have.” “And then two years later, he actually said it. He said he’s done more for Christianity than anyone else in history. In fact, he’s done more for religion than anyone else in history,” Dillion would tell Fox.
Considering how upside down the world has been since Joe Biden got the most votes in American history, the writers at the Babylon Bee must be up all night trying to figure out what to write about. Subsequently, their popularity has exploded. It didn’t hurt that Twitter made them out to be radical right-wingers rather than a Christian satire site.
Even the most jaded reader now has to look at almost every story from any outlet and wonder if it is real or fake. At least with the Babylon Bee, we KNOW they are satire. At least for the moment. The DC Enquirer concluded:
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According to Dillion, sometimes it can be challenging to come up with satirical stories, simply because mainstream media stories already read like satire.
“There are all the time stories that come across the screen that are just incredibly outrageous. You know you wouldn’t believe that they’re true, and we have to do a double take and see, is this parody, is this a real story?”
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