In a series of posts on X, one of which came as a harsh rebuttal of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, New York Police Department Chief John Chell explained why his department responded to the Columbia University protests the way it did, emphasizing that the NYPD officers involved handled the matter in a professional way.
Posting on X and taking AOC to task, Chief Chell said, “Truly amazing! Columbia decided to hold its students accountable to the laws of the school. They are seeing the consequences of their actions. Something these kids were most likely never taught. Good SAT scores and self-entitlement do not supersede the law. I am sure you would agree that we have to teach them these valuable life skills.”
Chell continued, “Secondly, I was with those “units” last Thursday that you describe as having, “the most violent reputations.” These “units” removed students with great care and professionalism, not a single incident was reported.”
He then explained, “The only incidents that day on campus were the student’s hateful anti-Semitic speech and vile language towards our cops. I am sure you agree any hateful speech is unacceptable. You should rethink your comments to a simple thank you to the NYPD and hate has no place in our society.”
He then said, “Maybe you should walk around Columbia and NYU and listen to their remarks of pure hatred. I will ensure those “units” will protect you as they do for all NYers 24/7/365. Lack of accountability = consequences Hate from anyone, anywhere has no place in our city and country.
That lengthy post came in response to one from Rep. AOC, who had posted, “Not only did Columbia make the horrific decision to mobilize NYPD on their own students, but the units called in have some of the most violent reputations on the force. NYPD had promised the city they wouldn’t deploy SRG to protests. So why are these counterterror units here?”
This is the video that set off AOC, it shows NYP units preparing to enter Columbia:
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In another post, Chell said, “What may have started as a group of Columbia students wanting to express their constitutional right to protest has drawn crowds of outside agitators who are trying to hijack a peaceful protest and turn it something far more sinister. The NYPD sees these same groups of professional protestors nightly at various demonstrations regardless of the message; sometimes switching sides depending on the week. Those same outside agitators continue to spew hate and antisemitism. The NYPD has and will always support the right to peacefully protest; however we stand ready and willing to address what’s happening at Columbia University as soon as the university president allows us on their private property.”
In still another, Chell ripped those involved in the protests as “entitled” and “hateful,” saying, “The pure hate, anti- semitism, and overall vile language I have witnessed recently is simply disgusting. I could not begin to even know how this makes a person feel, a family or a friend. Hate has no place in our society from anyone! It should be condemned by all immediately. The NYPD @NYCMayor @NYPDPC is committed to protecting everyone from hate, especially our Jewish brothers and sisters. Trust me, if we could throw handcuffs on anyone who peddled in this —-we would do this all day everyday. End of story!”
He continued, “We understand the frustration, we stand with you and the NYPD is always ready. We demonstrated this last week @Columbia @nyuniversity when our Mayor and PC ordered swift action for the removal of school protesters. Unfortunately there are certain things we can’t control, thus it’s incumbent for the effected institutions to take a stand and enforce their rules! Actions have consequences! No more suspensions let’s try expulsion of these entitled hateful students . Pack your belongings and get out! Let’s remove faculty and staff who have replaced their educational licenses for a license of hate—Your fired!”
He also said, in the post, “Your frustration and despair should not be directed toward the City of New York. We did not shut down your identification and deny your entry. We don’t govern private property nor school rules while being bound by free speech.”